Riverchase-5/Re-CS 940622BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Print or Type in a Clear, Legible Manner 0 0~ ~J 0 0 I I q"O~,~ e. -, / A~klress: Phe~e #: Descfil~on of Work to be Done Class of Work: [~New []Additlon [] Alteration [] Repair [] Demolition Floor S~cond Hoot GRAY AREA FOR OFFICE USE ONLY NOTICE This pmnit be~x~n~ ~n and void it' work ~ coma'uctien m~ized is net wi~in 1~0 '4'ys. etonnsmtction on wm'kis~mpended er aban~m~l feraperkxlof lgOdays at any time after work is ~nced. lherebyomifTthat lhawreadande~ufinedthlsap~on~nd know th~ same to be and ccfrect. All provisions of laws and ntdinanccs 8ovcmin8 ~ type ~ work will be cotntdied with wbdher specified herein ~r nec The 8t~nfinS ef · permit deft not presume to ~ive authority ~o viola~ or cancel the provisions of any othzr federal, ~ ~ local law Plun~ing Cma-actor M~x~a~ical ~ FPMC- 1 (4/94) VI,~ABIL ITY ! 52'-0" ~ 20'd ~[~E ~0£ 2Z6 LLeddo3 ~o £1~3 VOI:OI O0-~z-6nv