Gatew-2.3/SPRv-CS 980302MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: Applicants for Planning and Zoning Commission Consideration in March Pert Virtanen, Assistant Director of Planning and Community Services ]~/ March 5 Development Review Committee Meeting March 2, 1998 Currently we have 16 agenda items to take before the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 19, and 4 hours for the Development Review Committee to devote to them on March 5. To help expedite this process, we are asking you to indicate on the following sheets those items which you are changing on your drawings in response to a department's comment. Please fax your response to us any time between now and noon March 5, then bring one copy of the revised drawing to the Development Review Committee meeting the afternoon of March 5. If a department's representative agrees that your revised drawing adequately responds to a particular comment, that comment will be dropped and need not be discussed, resulting in a firae savings. All items not revised on the drawing you bring will remain discussion items. Fax Number (972) 304-3570