Riverchase-6.2/Re-CS 941019Subdivision Name Winkelmann and Assoc ,o, c,~v or COPPEL~ I1~t ............... 7¢/ Preliminary Plat FINAb PLAT REPLAT Street City State Phone ~ 4, Firm Preparing Plat__J_~.~mO ~,lbr~6+ ~_Z0~_D~IJ~. "; ,: Property ~er ~¢r~h¢~¢ PI~ LTD, Street City State Street C~ty State Zip 7. Ali Correspondence relative to this application should be directed to City, State, Zip Palt~¢. TX ~ZJO - What is the present Zoning District? ./~ Are you ~equesting any zoning change? __/~ If yes, what is the Case File # Zoning district Requested? 10, Proposed Subdivision Contains: Land Use Sinqle FamilM .... Duplex Multi-Fami~y_ Commercial Public Street R/_W_. Parks~ Public TOTAL: SUBAPP No. of Lots or Units Acres (for ea. use) SIGNATURE: (PROPERTY OWNER)