Riverchase-5/PP-CS 910722 CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT RIVERCHASE ESTATES - PRELIMINARY PLAT P & Z HEARING DATE: July 22, 1991 C. C. HEARING DATE: AuGust 13, 1991 LOCATION: Approximately 2110 feet south of Sandy Lake Road, along the west side of Riverchase Drive. SIZE OF AREA: 47.015 Acres REQUEST: Approval of a preliminary plat of Riverchase Estates. APPLICANT: Heath & KniGht Properties 16660 Dallas Parkway Suite 1400 Dallas, Texas 75248 (214) 248-9190 Dowdey & Assoc. (EnGineer) Mr. Bill Anderson 16250 Dallas Parkway Suite 100 Dallas, Texas 75248 (214) 931-0694 HISTORY: In September of 1990 a portion of this 47 acre tract (27.5 acres/ was preliminary platted into an 84 lot subdivision. Because of the nine month expiration period, that plat is now null and void. TRANSPORTATION: Riverchase Boulevard is proposed to be a four lane, undivided roadway contained within a 70 foot riGht-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: The surroundin§ area is currently vacant or contains Riverchase Golf Course. Current zoning is (SF-0) on the subject tract, (SF-12-SUP) (Golf Course) on the west, south and north, and (SF-0) on the east. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Proposes low density, sinGle-family development on subject tract as well as on the surrounding land area. the ITEM 6 ANALYSIS: Because the applicant was havin§ some contract difficulties in June, he asked to postpone takin§ action on this request until July. There are still several problems with this plat that have yet to be resolved. Primary among them is the obli§ation this developer has to the overall development of the entire Riverchase development. Who pays for the linear park, for example, how much, when, what does the park plan look like, etc., etc. With re§ard to Riverchase Boulevard, how is the road extended to its ultimate length, who is responsible for the road on golf course property, when and how much payment is made? These and other issues must be addressed before staff can make a recommendation on this plat. The accompanying letter discusses many of our concerns. We will elaborate on staff position in the briefing session. As an aside, we would point out that the preliminary plat approved last September on a comparably sized site contained 84 lots, this plat show 92 on the same land area, a slightly increased density overall. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the preliminary plat 2) Deny the preliminary plat ATTACHMENTS: 1) Preliminary Plat 2) Louis Lebowitz Letter of July 11, 1991 RCHASE.STF ~' TRP~SMITTE~ ~ROM 214 5~5 5~74 07.11.~1 11'=~ P.O~ *SLJ_DALLAS ( FAX NO. 393-0948 8214 WESTCHES'IT~R, SUITE 900 DAL. I.AS, TEXAS 75225 2141363.5615 July 11, 1991~ Mr. Gary L. $ieb Director of Planning and Community Services City of Coppell P. O. BOX 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Linear Park Abutting Portions of the Villaoes of Riverchase._. Dear Gary: Per our earlier conversation, the following is a summary of how we would propose to deal with the landscaping of the linear park, as it abuts the above-referenced properties. we would propose to burden the tracts, which abut the linear park, with an obligation to contribute their pro rata portion of an agreed landscape budget to the City of Coppell at the time that the owner/developer of the tracts in question seek~ approval of a final plat and/or building permits. Payment of this pro rata would be a condition precedent to obtaining the necessary final plat approval/building permit. This escrow would be maintained by the City of Coppell, until sufficient funds were accumulated from which to landscape the perimeter of the linear park in accordance with the approved landscape plan. Once the initial landscaping were completed, the City WoUld then a~sume the responsibility for maintenance of same. If this proposal were acceptable to the City, I would suggest that we get together, as soon as possible, and work out the details of the definitive agreement. I understand that the original developer/promoter of this property had contemplated a much more elaborate program for the linear park. However, unfortunately, they are no longer around to complete the project. ?R~NSFIlTTED FROH ~t4 ~ 5674 o7. 11.<~1 11 ~ P. 0:5 *SLJ-DflLLPlS ( As discussed, our function is more of a facilitator than that of a developer. We are attempting to resolve all of the problems relating to this development that have accumulated over the last seven years, so that the various tracts in question can be delivered to developers, who will, ultimately, in turn, deliver developed lots to builders. If successful, over the next three to five years, the tax base of this property should be increased from approximately $15,000,000 today to in excess of $200,000,000. Hopefully, this benefit will, at least to some extent, compensate for the linear park improvements promised by the original developer. Sincerely, NORTHLAKE WOODLANDS/RIVERCHASE, LTD. By: Louis M. Lebowitz, G. P. LHL/js