Riverchase-5/PP-CS 920812The City With A Beautiful Future August 12, 1992 P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214-462-0022 Mr. Jerry Ragsdale Senior Vice-President Republic Property Group, Inc. 8449 Walnut Hill Lane 8th Floor, L B. 3 Dallas, Texas 75231 RE: RIVERCHASE ESTATES - COPPELL, TEXAS Dear Mr. Ragsdale: The City Council of Coppell at their meeting of August 11, 1992, voted to approve the final plat for Riverchase Estates. However, this action will not be final until the plat has been revised to include the golf ball easement provision, and the plat has been signed-off on by all appropriate parties and filed with Dallas County. Once filed with the County, building permits could be issued for construction. Please see attached instructions for filing final plats. Should you have any questions, please call. //y~3a,rs truly, ,, D~recto~ of Planning & Community Services GLS/Isg xc: Taryon Bowman, P&Z Coordinator (File) Building Inspection rchasecc.act P 0 E~ox 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214 - 462 - 0022 FILING OF EXECUTED FINAL PLAT PROCEDURES Fc, llowir~g approval ,-,f the fir, al plat by the City Cc, urlcil, ar.d correct i or, of the plat as required by the City Council, the ir~forrnatior~ listed below must be completed prior t,z, submissiorl of the Fir,al Executed Plat to the Plar.rlirlg Departmer, t. n Origir~al sigr~atures or, all plats. Names must be typed or prir.ted belc, w each sigr.ature. [] Sigr~ature block of Utility Compar~ies, with origirlal signatures of each representative. Fl Eight (8) paper copies and two (2) mylars. Paper copies must be folded. You may submit additior~al copies for your use; howeve~-, the above mer~tiorled amount must be returrled to the City. Fl Clear film posit ives. i each; 1" = 600' arid 1" =200'. This requiremer, t is for plats larger than 20 acres only. Fl Three (3) 8 1/2" x 11" sheet size, reduced copies. FI Trar~smittal letter, ir~cludir~g name ar~d telephor.e r.umber of contact persor~. Fl All blar~k spaces completed, with the exception of the sigr~atures of City Officials. Wher, the ir~formatic, rl listed above is complete; submit eight (8) bluelines, two (2) r~ylars, clear film positives arid a trar~smittal letter to the Plar~r~ir~g Department. It will take approximately 3 - 5 weeks, to review ar, d obtairl sigr.atures. Once the proper sigr~atures have beer, obtained, the Planrling Department wi 1 i telephor~e the person listed as represer~tative or contact to pick- up the plats. The represer~tative shall submit filir, g fees and the required r.umber of copies with the Cour~ty Clerk. The developer completes the filing process and ret urns the required r~ur~ber of fi led copies to the Plar~ning Department. Said copies shall show or~ each sheet, the volume ar~d page of the Map ar.d Plat Records into which the plat was filed by the Cour.ty Clerk. If the final ~lat has r~ot been submitted for signatures by City Officials within six (6) mor.ths after approval by the City Cour~cil, the plat shall be deer~ed r~ul 1 arid void, resubmittal shal 1 be required, arid current subdivisior, regulations shall apply. April, 1988