Riverchase-5/Re-AG 940809The Ci~ With ^ Beautiful F~ture CITY COUNCIL MEETING: AGENDA REQUEST FORM August 9, 1994 ITEM CAPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration and approval of Riverchase Estates Addition, Replat of Lots 5 & 6, Block C, located west of Riverchase Drive along Old York Road, at the request of American Surveying Company of Dallas, Inc. TITLE: ~-f~i-Fez-t~~~ & STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meetinq: July 21, 1994 Comm. Services INITIALS~~ Decision of P&Z Commission: Approval (6-0) with Commissioners Lowry, Wheeler, Thompson, Tunnell, Redford and Hildebrand voting in favor. None opposed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION EXPLANATION: BUDGET AMT.$ Approval APPRO Denial +/- BUD:$ FINANCIAL COMMENTS: FINANCIAL REVIEW: ~ Agenda Request Form - Revised 1/94 Pm "goldenrod" paper in printer- CITY MANAGER REVIEW:I CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Riverchase Estates Addition, Replat of Lots 5&6, Blk. C P & Z HEARING DATE: July 21, 1994 C. C. HEARING DATE: August 9, 1994 LOCATION: West of Riverchase Boulevard along Old York Road SIZE OF AREA: 19,482 square feet (two lots) CURRENT ZONING: PD SF-9 REQUEST: Replat of lots 5 and 6, Block C, Riverchase Estates Subdivision APPLICANT: Great Gulf Group (Owner) 15851 Dallas Parkway Suite 100 Dallas, Tx. 75248 American Surveying (Surveyor) 5728 LBJ Freeway Suite 210 Dallas, Tx. 74240 239-4359 HISTORY: There has been no recent replating history in the area. TRANSPORTATION: Old York Road is a local street of 27 foot pavement width, 50 foot r.o.w. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - developing single-family housing; PD SF-7 South - developing single-family housing; PD SF-7 East - developing single-family housing; PD SF-7 West - developing single family housing; PD SF-7 Item 8 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Plan shows single family housing as most appropriate here. ANALYSIS: This replat is based on an error in the original location of a survey boundary marker. Basically what is requested is to move the lot line between lots 5 and 6 three feet to the south, thus making lot 5 70.5 feet wide at the alley, lot 6 70.84 feet wide at the alley. Both lots still meet our minimum width requirements, and this adjustment will allow a house currently under construction on lot 5 to not become an illegal structure (insufficient side yard setback). Staff recommends approval of this replat. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the replat 2) Deny the replat 3) Modify the replat ATTACHMENTS: 1) Replat document (Planned Development), HC (Highway Commercial) and FP (Flood Plain), located west of Denton Tap Road; approximately 800 feet north of Denton Creek subject to nine conditions set by the Planning and Zoning Commission as follows: 1) there be a 30' front-yard setback; 2) there be a 110' lot depth; 3) there be 35 % lot coverage; 4) swing-entry garages for front-entry lots; 5) the Homeowners' Association will be responsible for maintaining common areas; 6) a foot bridge be added to the park land area; 7) the "average" size of lot be changed to "minimum"; 8) the minimum lot width be 70 feet and the average be 75 feet in Section A; and 9) a detailed site plan must be submitted when the Preliminary Plat is submitted for approval; and that Lot 51 be eliminated and a continuation of the alley; and that the following Park Board recommendations be met: 1) the developer will work with the City in order that a grant could be pursued for the donation of the park site and improvements proposed; 2) the developer will provide for the establishment of bermuda turf grass in the park site; 3) the developer will provide a plan for what automated irrigation will be installed at or near the playground proposed; 4) any playground specifications would need to be coordinated with the Parks and Recreation Division and would be accessible to challenged individuals; 5) the developer will work with the City to provide additional access along the Denton Tap Road Bridge as it is widened, should the pedestrian/bike bridge not be approved across Denton Creek, as proposed; 6) the developer will provide aeration fountains within the two (2) lakes proposed; and 7) the developer will work with staff and the Parks and Recreation Board to finalize improvements to the proposed park site. Councilmember Mayo seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-2 with Mayor Pro Tern Robertson and Councilmembers Alexander, Mayo, and Sheehan voting in favor of the motion, and Councilmembers Stahly and Watson voting against the motion. A short recess was held at this point in the meeting. 10. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration and approval of Riverchase Estates Addition. Replat of Lots 5 ~$cta_~lllgll__~, located west of Riverchase Drive along Old York Road, at the request of American Surveying Company of Dallas, Inc. Mayor Morton opened the Public Hearing and asked for those persons wishing to speak against this proposal. There were none. He then asked for those persons wishing to speak in favor of this proposal. Again, there were none. Councilmember Mayo moved to close the Public Hearing and approve Riverchase Estates Addition, Replat of Lots 5 & 6, Block C. Mayor Pro Tern Robertson seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Robertson and Councilmembers Alexander, Stahly, Watson, Mayo, and Sheehan voting in favor of the motion. During the Work Session of this meeting, Items 11, 12 and 13 were renumbered, with Item No. 11 becoming Item 12, Item 12 becoming Item 13 and Item 13 becoming Item 11, said items appearing as follows under their new number. 11. Consideration and approval of Burch Addition, Preliminary Plat, located at the southwest corner of Bethel School and Denton Tap Roads, at the request of Dowdey, Anderson & Associates, Inc. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Mayor Morton announced that he had received a request to adjourn into Executive Session. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public) 2. Convene Executive Session A. Section 551.071, Texas Government Code - Consultation with City Attorney. ClVl~ Page 4 of 6 CITY COUNCIL MEETING: AGENDA REQUEST FORM August 9, 1994 ITEM CAPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration and approval of Riverchase Estates Addition, Replat of Lots 5 & 6, Block C, located west of Riverchase Drive along Old York Road, at the request of American Surveying Company of Dallas, Inc. SUBMITTED BY: Gary L. Sieb TITLE: Director of Planning & Comm. Services INITIALS~, STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meetinq: July 21, 1994 I_~9 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approval6-0) with Commissioners Lowry, Wheeler, Thompson, Tunnell, Redford and Hildebrand voting in favor. None opposed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION EXPLANATION: BUDGET AMT.$ FINANCIAL COMMENTS: FINANCIAL REVIEW: ~ %.. ~_ Agenda Request Form - Revised 1/94 ~ut "gokl~r~od" paper in printer ~ +/- BUD: $ CITY MANAGER REVlEW:~