Riverside Ch/FP-AG 940111'CON SEN"I~ AGF_.NDA The ~ W'~ ~ {~m~u§M F~t~um CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA REQUEST FORM January 1 1; 1994 ITEM NUMBER ITEM CAPTION: Consideration and approval of Riverside Church of Christ, Final Plat, located at the northwest corner of Belt Line Road and North Lake Drive (east of Denton Tap Road), at the request of John E. Hawkins & Associates, Inc. SUBMITTED BY: STAFF~EP.:__r__ Gary l,_ Director of Plannlno & Comm. Services OTHER REP.: DATE: EVALUATION OF ITEM: Date of P&Z Meeting: December 16, 1993 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approval (6-0) with Commissioners Alexander, Wheeler, Thompson, Meador, Redford and Hildebrand voting in favor. Chairman Tunnell was absent. BUDGET AMT. AMT. +/- BUDGET COMMENTS: AMT. ESTIMATED FINANCIAL REVIEW BY ~ ~-~-- LEGAL REVIEW BY: AGENDA REQUEST FORM REVISED 2/93 REVIEWED BY CM: /~ CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE #: Riverside Church of Christ, Final Plat P & Z HEARING DATE: December 16, 1993 C. C. HEARING DATE: January 11, 1994 LOCATION: At the northwest comer of Belt Line Road and North Lake Drive (east of Denton Tap Road). SIZE OF AREA: 6.50 acres of land CURRENT ZONING: (C) Commercial and (LI) Light Industrial REQUEST: Approval of a final plat to allow the construction of a church. APPLICANT: Riverside Church of Christ 150 S. Denton Tap Road #117 Coppell, TX 75019 John C. Hawkins & Associates, Inc. Tom Belt 1600 Redbud Boulevard Suite 207, Box 10 McKinney, TX 75069 (214) 548-2678 HISTORY: No history on this parcel. TRANSPORTATION: Subject site is served by Beltline Road along the southern border. Beltline Road at this location, is presently a substandard 2-lane asphalt roadway. Future plans call for a six-lane divided thoroughfare (P6D). Item 20 SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - South - East - West Mini-warehouses; Light Industrial zoning. Northlake Power Plant Light manufacturing; Light Industrial zoning. Light manufacturing; Light Industrial zoning. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: A commercial designation has been assigned to this area since it is one of the "gateways" into the City. ANALYSIS: The building's front orientation is along North Lake Drive. Landscape plans reflect the requirements of the Street Scape plan. The structure is proposed to be a two-story building at this time. Future expansion is an option for the development, for this site will still have ample space to construct another building as the church expands its membership. Coppell's city limit boundary, runs along Belfline Road, just south of the future church site, and the boundary should be indicated on the plat and plans. In accordance with the regulations of the Subdivision ordinance, escrow should be provided for Beltline Road. The escrow is $160 per foot of frontage. The applicant wishes to appeal the escrow requirement, and a request has been made to the City Council, in order to waive the requirement. Staff recommends approval of the final plat. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the final plat 2) Deny the final plat 3) Modify the final plat ATTACHMENTS: 1) Final plat 2) Landscape plans rivcofc.pp Economic Development Board -- Councilmember Garrison announced that a meeting was held with the Chamber. Councilmember Stahly shared with the Council a new map and pocket community profile. Park Board -- Councilmember Mayo stated that by the end of the week work will begin at Andrew Brown, Jr. Park and that it will be a 12 to 14-month project. The Park Board is proceeding with the Park Master Plan and hopefully Council will see that in February. Data Processing Committee -- Councilmember Reitman indicated that Data Processing had met and that they had received a final report from Arthur Anderson. Councilmember Weaver stated he was pleased with the work done on the report. Munici_oal Utility_ District -- Councilmember Reitman stated that MUD had met and that he felt that things were going smoothly. YMCA -- Councilmember Stahly announced that the basketball program is in progress. The YMCA will be kicking off their sustaining drive January 21, 1994 and there will be a celebration of the new facility on January 22, 1994. Office on Aging -- Councilmember Stably indicated that the 7th Annual Infofalr will be held February 8, 1994. ~ -- Councilmember Weaver announced that the bidding documents are out on the street for the new library and that they will be back before the second meeting in February. D/FW Airpo_ rt Ex_mn~ion -- Councilmember Weaver announced the resignation of VerneH Sturns as Executive Director of the airport and Mr. Fegan has been appointed to serve in the interim. City-Wide Storm Water Management Plan -- Councilmember Weaver indicated that the committee needs to look into the drainage problem at Devonshire. CONSENT AGENDA 32. Consider approval of the following consent agenda items: A. Consider approval of minutes: December 14, 1993 Consideration and approval of a resolution adopting guidelines, criteria and procedure for tax abatement agreements and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Consideration and approval of an Ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas approving an amendment to the budget for the Fiscal Year October 1, 1993 through September 30, 1994, in the amount of $214,050.00 for the General Fund and $12,300.00 for the Water and Sewer Fund and authorizing the Mayor to sign. De Consideration of approving a contract with O'Brien Engineering to provide professional engineering services associated with the design of channel improvements for stream G6 generally located north of Bethel School Road and east of Moore Road in the amount of $28,700 and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Consideration and approval of granting a variance to the Sign Ordinance allowing thirty (30) signs to be placed in various locations around the City from January 14th through January 30th advertising CM011194 rage g of 10 the forthcoming CoppeH Gala on March 5, 1994, and waiving all applicable fees. F® Consideration of approving the removal of a stop sign on Cowboy Drive at its intersection with Parkway Boulevard, and replacing it with a yield sign. Ge Consideration and approval of North lake Woodlands, Block 1, Lots S-10, Final Plat, located along the east side of Rolling Ililtq Road, south of Bethel School Road, at the request of NLW Engineering. Consideration and approval of Riverside Church of Christ, Final Plat, located at the northwest corner of Beltline Road and North Lake Drive (east of Denton Tap Road), at the request of John E. Hawkinn & Associates, Inc. Consideration and approval of awarding bid Number Q-1193-01 for the purchase of vehicles to Lee Jarmon Ford, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $78,338.50 for items g2, #3, and #4; and to Ted Arendale Ford in an amount not to exceed $19,592.00 for item #1. Je Consideration of awarding a bid for the purchase of water meters to various firmq not to exceed $S0,000.00. Consideration and approval to reject all bids for Bid Number Q-II93-4M for site excavation for Andrew Brown, Jr. Community Park, east of Denton Tap Road. Le Consideration and approval of an ordinance abandoning the north one (1) foot of an existing 7.5 foot water easement on the south side of Lot 5, Block H, Section Revised Braewood West Addition. Me Consideration of providing funding for the in~ilation of a sidewalk between Parkview and Stonemeade subdivision along the north side of Parkway Boulevard, in the amount of $3,500.00. Ne Consideration and approval of extending present contract for pocket pagers to Southwestern Bell Paging Services in an estimated annual amount of $2,034.24. O® Consideration and approval of an ordinance amending Ordinance 341 of the Subdivision Regulations of the City of Coppell as amended, by adopting the Streetscape Plan as Appendix D and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Councilmember Garrison moved to approve Item 32 A, B carrying Resolution No. 011194.1, C carrying Ordinance No. 94635, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L carrying Ordinance No. 94636, M, N and O carrying Ordinance No. 341-A-1. Mayor Pro Tem Robertson seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stably, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. Item 32 D -- Ken Griffin, City Engineer, answered questions of Council regarding this item. Councilmember Reitman moved to approve Item 32 D. Councilmember Weaver seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stably, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison voting in favor of the mOtion. CM011194 Page 9 of 10 OWNER'S CERTfr ICAIF O COUNTY OF DALLAq O STATE OF TFXA,q 0 WILl_lAM G. THOMPSON, TRUSTEE VOL. 80106 PG. 1302 JAMES WHITEHEAD, TRUSTEE WHITEHEAD & CO. PROFIT SHARING PLAN VOL. 84011 PG. 2814 .g WILLIAM G. THOMPSON, TRUSTEE VOL. 80106 PG. 1302 S 88°4~,' 15' L LINE' LOT 1, BLK. 1 5019 ,\CRIS 1 GO' BLJILDING LINE' N 88°46, 15' W ~'1 II I I II 1.1 427 'gl >. 0 ,¢ ~II~ pI /\( '[ (Ii B[(,INNIN(; GILL SAVINGS ASSOCIATION VOL. 87172 PG. 0671 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE i, GEORGE COLL IS, REGISIERED PROFESSIONAL sunvFYOR, do her eby certify that this plat was prepared from an actual survey on the ground. The corner monuments shown were either found or properly placed under my supervis ~on In accordance w~ th th- platting rules and regulations of the c~ty of Coppell, r¢xas GEORGE COLLIS, R P S. #1764 State of Texas SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to bolero me, a Notary Publ to, ~n and for the State of Texas on th- day of . iq Notary Public In and for the State of roxas my commission exptres~ NORTH LAKE BUSINESS CENTER VOL. 81085 PG. 0970 Floodplain Development Permit Application No. has been filed with the City of Coppell Floodplain Administrator on ,19 . , Floodplain Administrator, · Date. The developer, builder, seller, or agent shall inform in writing, each prospective buyer of subdivision lots or property located within special flood hazard areas of this site that such property is in an identified flood hazard area and that all development must conform to the provisions of the City of Coppell Floodplain Management Ordinance. The written notice shall be filed for record in the county Deed of Records and a copy of the notice must accompany the application for development permit. Whereas, tile R~vers,de Church of Christ, Inc , ~.~ the OWNER of all the fei lowing descrlh~d t~ act of land b~,lng more ful Iv described as fei lows! BEING a tract of land situated fn the McKInney 8 Will lama Survey, Abstract NO. 1054, Pal las County, Texas; said tract being a part of Block 1 of North Lake Business Park Phase 1, an Addition to the Cltlt of Coppel I , Texa.~ as recorded ~n Volume 81~8~ Page ~97~ of the Deed Records of Dal las County, Texas; ~aid tract also being a part o¢ t~at certain 1~ ~3 ~cr~ tract conveyed to Will l~m ~ Thompson, Trustee recorded mn Volume 8~106 Page 13~2 of the O~ed Records of Del County, Tax,q; sa~d tract bPing mor~ par t ~rular ly descr Ibed a~ roi lowS, BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron rod found for corner at the Interseotlo~ of the north I ina of Belt L~ne Road (12e ft. ROW) wlth the west Itne North Lake Dr lye (60 ft ROW) as recorded In Volume ~1~ Ps. ~?I the Dallas County Deed Records~ THENCE North 88^46'1§' West, along said north line, for a dlstanoe of 427,58 feet to a 1/2" ~ron rod found for corner at the ~outheaat ooPner of a tract of land conveyed to Jame~ Whitehead, Truetee as recorded In Volume 84011 Page ~81a of the Del la~ County Deed Recorder THENCE North ~0^52'0e" East, departing said north line and along the east line of said Whitehead tract at 280.48 feet, passing a 1/2" Iron rod found at the northeast corner of said Whitehead trSOt for a total distance of B58.~1 feet to a 1/2" Iron rod found for corner~ THENCE South 88^46'15" East for a distance of 433.28 feet to a 1/2" Iron rod found for corner' on the west llne of said North Lake Drivel THENCE South 1~1~21 '45" West along said west line for a distance of 658 ~0 feet to th~ PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 6 ~l~t.q acre~ or 283,222. 7 sq rt ,if land NOW, THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That, R~verslde Church of Christ, lac , through the undersigned authority, does hereby adopt th~s plat de~lg.atlng the herein- above described p~ operty as RIVERSIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST ADDITION, an Addttlon to the clty of Coppell, Texas and does hereby dedicate to the publ lc uie forever the streets thereon ~nd deal hereby dedicate the easement strips shown on the plat f~r mutual use and accommodation of al I publ lc uti I Itles destrlng or des~r lng to use same. No bu~ Idlngs, fences, trees, shr ubs or other tmprovement~ ~hal I be constructed or placed upon, over or across the easement strips on said plat. Any publ lc utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or part of any bul l-dtng~, f~Hce~, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths which In any way endanger or Inter fere with the con- structlon, maintenance or efficiency of It~ respective system on any of thes~ easement strips and any public ut i I ity shall at all times have the r ~ght of Ingress and egress to and free and upon any of said easements strips for the purpose of constructing, constructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding tm or removing all or part of ~ts reapectlve System without the necessity at ally time of procur lng the permission of anyone. WITNESS MY HAND THIS__ DAY OF , Icj C. Kenneth Stone SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me a Notary Public tn and for the State of Texas on this DAY of , Notary Public tn and for the State of Texas my commission expires. BELT LINE (120' R()W ROAD O' 50' '1 ()0' S(./\l [ COPPELL HEIGHTS ADDITION VOL. 32 PG. 229 200' 1"=60 O' DALLAS POWER AND EIGHT COMPANY APPROVALS i U [IEC1RIC ' lONE STAR (;As, GINIRAI 1ELLPIION[ U S POST Of liCE P/\RA(;ON CABLE Sandy Lake Rd Bethel Rd. Sanders Loop LOCATION MAP L PL. AT RIVERSIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST AN ADDITION TO ItlF CITY O! COPPI'[I, DALLAS COUNTY TEXAS OUT OF TIlE McKINNEY AND WILLIAMS SURVEY ABST ~'1054 OWNER RIVERSIDE CHURCtt OF CHRIST, C©PPELL~TIEXlk$ 150 S()UTtt DENTON rAP ROAD ~117 COPPEL[, TEXAS 75019 ',, (214) 462-8750 SURVEYOR GEORGE COLLIS LAND SURVEYORS 650 OLD FRISCO ROAD FAIRVIEW, TEXAS 75069 (214) 548-8101