Round Oak Est/PP-CS 9301191, Subdivision Name 2. Preliminary. Plat 3, .. Applloan.t ~ _. · CITY OF COPPELL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Date ..January 19, 1993 Round Qak~Estates Matthews Southwest Address 5220 Sprin, g V. alley- Suite 500, Dallas, Texas '-- $%=eet Ci'ty Phone. I 214/934-0123 75240 S La to Firm' Preparing Plat . Nathan D. Maier.. consulting. ~Engineers, Inc. Address 8800 N. Central E,x~,resswa¥, Suite 300 Dallas, Texas 75231 ' ' street ' ' ' Ci'%Y ' " State .Phone I ::214/739-4741, 1) Harris Street Partners P%operty .Owner ._ 2) om P. Sinqla & Pramod p Bansal 1) P.O. Box 870502, Dallas, Texas 75287 Address 2) 529 Ogkcrest, Coppellt T~.xas 75019 ~ stYeet City State Phone I Developer L Matthews Southwest Address 5220 Spring Valley - Suite 500, stre 't ......... " Phone I 214/934-o123 Dallas, Texas 75240 city ..... State All Corr. espondenoe relative, to this app .1! ca tt on should be directed to whom: · l~el~e~ Mike Daniel - Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers, Inc. Address· 8800 N. Central Expressway, Suite 300 Ct fy, State, .' ~;lp...Dallas, Texas 75231 "' rhone l_ 214/739-474! ' General Location of Property :west of Harris Street - Rast of exis~_ino ~,.treet 450 ft~ North of Bethel School Rd, What ts the. present Zonlng. Dts[rtct? SF-12, ~ ~%2 Are you requestln~ zoning change? 'Xe~ li yes, what is the Case File No. Zoning-d'iStrict.r~q~es:ed? SF-9 & SF-7 .... := ........ .Pr°p°sed Subdivision Contains: · Land Use ~o, of'~ts or Units Ac~es {for each use) · Sln~!e Famtl ., 28 now or converson) 'Iota 1 7.5763