Round Oak Est/PP-CS 930121January 21, 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services Clay Phillips, Fire Chief L/~~ SUBJECT: Round Oak Estates It is my understanding the City Council may be reconsidering the zoning request regarding the above referenced development. I also understand the developer may be interested in resubmitting the request. In either case, the Fire Department has some unresolved concerns regarding this development, as well as future developments that may be similar in design. As you know, Council was briefed at the most recent budget workshop on our plans to bring forward a more comprehensive sprinkler ordinance. Included in the discussion was the fact that residential sprinklers would be incorporated into the proposed ordinance. This development may present us with an opportunity to pursue this issue immediately while we continue to develop the language of the specific ordinance. It is my request that no action be taken concerning this development without discussing the possibility of requiring residential sprinklers. I realize many questions regarding residential sprinklers exist. Questions regarding freezing, accidental activation, property insurance, cost and aesthetics must be addressed. Toward this end, I am planning a meeting with various representatives associated with the issues involved and several members of Coppell's -staff. This group will visit some existing installations in the area to get a firsthand look at residential sprinklers. We also plan to schedule the Residential Sprinkler Trailer from Texas A&M University for display at an upcoming City Council meeting to afford the entire Council an opportunity to see residential sprinklers in action. As a result of these efforts, it is my hope we will be able to draft an ordinance that will be acceptable to Council. I trust this gives you some insight relating to our ultimate goal. These efforts will obviously take time. I do not want to lose the opportunity to afford the above referenced development an opportunity to be fully sprinklered simply because the ordinance is Gary Sieb Page 2 January 21, 1993 not complete. The same holds true for any future developments, particularly where cul-de-sacs and single point of entry developments are concerned. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call. Enclosures xc: Alan D. Ratliff, City Manager