St Ann Church/FP-AG 880524 ~UBMISSION DEADLINE: 5:00 ay - 8 Days Preceding City Council Meeting Rev.: Effecti,y~l/20/88 _ ~J~/ 'I. REF/FILE N~BER : St. A~s CathoRc ~h II. ITEM CAPTION : To consider aplm~val of a resubmittal fer final plat, ~g~eement and variance few the St. Ann's Catholic Church Addition located approxim~tel~ 600 f~et from the noa-theast cOWner of Sandy Lake Road and Samuel Boulevar~ .j_~ ' _ ~. III. ACTION RECOMMENDED : .D_at.e of Pla--i-E and. Zo__ning Mee~tium: Am'il Zl, 1988 Dead_on of PI~--~_-E o.a~ ,Z~_-~.-o Commimion: Approved (6-0). IV. REP. IN ATTENDANCE A: on V. NOTIFICATION TO : Ms. Jodie Kelly Paul Unzicker, Inc. METHOD OF CONTACT : Letter DATE : April zg~ 1988 VI. FINANCIAL REVIEW : 1. BUDGETED ITEM : N/A YES 2. BUDGET AMOUNT : 3. ESTIMATED AMOUNT FOR THIS ITEM 4. AMOUNT OVER OR UNDER BUDGET 5. LOW BIDDER RECOMMENDED SOURCE OF FUNDING CO'S OR BONDS FUNDS (Series or year authorized) OPERATING BUDGET (Account Number) OTHER NO : YES NO AGENDA REQUEST FORM DMEMOI APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER : ITEM NUMBER q SUPPORT DOCb~ENTATIO~T FOR AGEndA ITEM **************************************** * DATE RECEIVED * * TIME * * To be completed by City Manager Dept.* SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION SUBMITTED MEMORANDUMS ....................... : LETTERS ........................... : REPORTS ........................... : BILLS ............................. : BID ............................... : CONTRACT/AGREEMENT ................ : MINUTES ........................... : ORDINANCE ......................... ; RESOLUTION ........................ : PROCLAMATION ...................... : MAPS .............................. : ZONING PLANS ...................... : PRELIMINARY PLATS ................. : FINAL PLATS ....................... : SITE PLANS ........................ : LANDSCAPE PLANS ................... : ARCHITECTURAL RENDERINGS .......... : OTHER ............................. : REVIEWED BY (If applicable) CITY ATTORNEY ..................... : FINANCE DIRECTOR .................. : OTHER ............................. : SUBMITTED BY DEPARTMENT ........................ : DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR ............... : APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER ...................... : DENIED BY CITY MANAGER ...................... : AMOUNT PER/SET NO. OF PAGES SIGNATURE SIGNATURE SIGNATURE SIGNATURE DATE SUBMITTED DATE REVIEWED DATE SUBMITTED DATE APPROVED Additional documentation required Need for further discussion Submitted after deadline At the request of CITY MANAGER'S COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATION FOR AGENDA ITEM I. Item #9 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA DATED: May 24, 1988 II. COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Staff has met twice with representatives Catholic Church in an attempt to resolve of St. Ann's questions and develop a Pro-rata Ordinance which would allow the sharing of the water line which would parallel Woodmoor Drive. Our Subdivision Ordinance requires that the water line extend the entire length of the property so that in the future it can be continued by other property owners on the line. We believe that the Subdivision Ordinance is correct in this requirement and ensures the development of the water system. The church at this point has not been willing to comply with this requirement and, therefore, we are unable to develop the required Pro-rata Ordinance and agreement. We have received the letter from the Diocese regarding the promise to pay for the pro-rate share of Woodmoor Drive. From a legal point of view, this letter is probably not binding and we would hope that when this road is required the City will be able to request and receive the necessary funds for construction of the street. For your information, we have recently been told that the paving of Samuel along the west boundary of the church was part of the agreement to purchase the church property from Mr. Hinkley. You may recall the City relieved the church of this responsibility and in the future the City will need to provide these funds from some yet to be determined source. We certainly do not wish to appear to be unsupportive of churches within our community, but we feel compelled to reiterate that this, in fact, subsidizes those churches which are building new facilities adjoining unpaved roadways. We most certainly recognize the authority and wisdom of the Council in these matters and will carry them out with due diligence, but feel we should make this perspective known to you. The City With A Beautiful Future CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214 - 462 - 0022 Date: May Z4, 1988 TARYON BOWMAN, PLANNING & ZONING COORDINATOR RE: Case #: St. Ann's Catholic Church - Final Plat Resubmittal 600 feet north of the northeast corner of Samuel Boulevard and Sandy Lake Road. Final Plat approval. Ms. Jodie Kelly Paul Unzicker, Inc. LOCATION: REQUEST: APPLICANT: GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Applicant is requesting approval of final plat resubmittal in order to include WoodmOore Street to be shown as a dedicated R.O.W. on the executed final plat. The previously submitted plat was approved by City Council on January 1Z, 1988. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends de.nial' of the final l~lat. Motion should state::{ ~ Move to disapprove the final plat at present time with the right of the applicant to refile the nlat or racon.~irleration at a future mo_o. ting. without the necessity of paving additional. ~iling feea. The reason for the denial being the applicants request that consideration be post- poncd ir~ order to give applicant and ataff adrlitlnnal tlrno tn cl~a~' i,.n majnr i~c,~a~ ,.og=,.m,,2 the plat. STF.REPORT/FOP~ PZAGN2 May 24, 1988 MEMORANDUM TO: VIA: FROM: RE: Alan Ratliff, City Manager Frank Trando, Deputy City Manager Taryon Bowman, P & Z Coordinator St. Ann's Catholic Church, Staff Report Staff recommends denial of the final plat for St. Ann Catholic Church Addition due to the subdivision requirements that if a plat is not disapproved within thirty (30) days, by law, it is considered approved. Since the major issues for St. Ann Catholic Church Addition have not yet been resolved between the church and staff, staff recommends that the final plat be denied due to the following reasons: 1) The pro-rata ordinance for the water line along Woodmoor Street has not been agreed upon. 2) Water line requirements. Taryo~Paster BOwman TPB/lsg ST.ANN/MEMO MEMO1 Reflective Iblue! fire hyd=ont spotters shell be instol]ed in ell streets et o point opposite fire hydronts~ ]ocoted elong centerline of street, closest to fire hydront. Should the subdivision or eddttion ebut end use o weter metn of the City, the Developer shell pey the City e "pro retS" che~ge os pres~:ibed by the Pro Rote O:dtnence of the City for use of some. When PVC pipe is used, 32 gouge single strend wire or trocer tope, blue in color~ shell be installed in the beckft]! mete:ia! 2~ inches ebove the top of the pipe in occo:dence with the menufectu:er's :ecommendetions. Weter lines shell be instolled with e minimum cover over the top of the pipe of ~2 inches. Weter lines shell be pressure tested end disinfected in ecco:dence with AWWA C603. PVC pipe shell hove e 6" send bedding with 6" of send on eech side end 32" of send eve: top of pipe All bends end deflections greeter then ~0 degrees in meins end hydrQnt essemb]~es shQ]] h~ve ~pp~oved thrust blocks end ~est:oiner g]ends. Fire hydrent connections to moins shell be os follows: Provide f]et f]enge on in-line tee; connect with MJ weter-restlfent wedge gete velve. Provide restreine: glands et ell NJ connections et hydrent. Appendix A 37 ~¥~..~9DD~!~gD - A wore= o= sewe= connection extending f=om the main line to se=va o consume=. ~y~]p~_~ - An o=eo is developed at such time as &he City Counci) has opp=oved the fino) plot of o subdivision, and buS)ding pe=mits hove been ~ssued. ~DD!DgD - P=ope=ty abutting e~the= s~de of o wore= and/o= sewe= line. P~9_Bgi9 - A cho=ge mode against the consume= o= p=ope:ty owne= to pay fo= =ep)ocement o= extension of wore= and sonito=y sewe= mains os p=ovided fo= in this o=dinonce. ~D§~D~ - 3he octuo) use= of wore= f=om o City wore= connectSon. ~9~!¥_~D~ - The :eco=d title ho)de= of p=emises se=red w~th wote: f=om o connection by the City of Coppe)). ~y~g~_~9~ - The diffe=ence between the estimated cost of the main as bui)t and the cost of the main dete=mined to be the minimum size =equi=ed to se=ye the subdivision. ~g~]!_Obi.._~__pgyggg_P~_gNT RESPONS]B]LIT~A Ali p=ope=ty owne=s shall be pa=tiolly =esponsible fo= wore= and/o~ sonita=y sewe= mains =unntng along any plotted st=eets o= dedicated =ight-of-woy which f=onts thai: p=ope=ty. P=ope=ttes which lie on a co:ne: wi]] be =espons~b)e fo= utility lines anti:ely ac=ass both f=ontoges. )n the event that no ut~)tty )Jnes have been const=ucted along the f:ontoge of o p=ope=ty, it w~)] be the =esponsibJ]~ty of the Deve)ope= to b=ing the uti)ities to his p=ope=ty (except as out- Appendix B lined be]owl and ac=ass his f=ont=ge to the adjacent p=ope=ty. the event that ]~nes hove a]=eady been const=ucted along the f=ontage, p=o =ara must be pa~d fo= the lines acco=ding to the teams of th~s o=dinonce. The Cft¥ of Coppe]] may extend ware: and sonito=y sewe: mains Jn the st=eats and ol]eys~ os easements, within the c~t¥ ]imlts of the City of Coppe]] to pe=m~t connections by pezsons seeking wore= and sanita=y sewe= se=vice. A cha=ge which shall be known as the "P=o Rata" shall be made against each Iai o= t=act of ]and, and the o~ne= the=eof~ at the time of p]ott~ng (o= ~ssuance of o bu~]ding pe:mit, if the p=ope=ty is o]:eody p]ottedl, shall pay to the City acco:ding to the fo]lowing =ores: a $~0 pa: f=ont foot fo: wore= mo~ns, whJch amount should cove: o]] appu=tenances, valves, hyd=onts and fittings. ~ $~0 pea f=ont foot fo= sewe= mains, which amount should cove: the cost of manholes and othe= oppu=tenances. These amounts sho]] be =eviewed pe=todica]]y by the City Englnee:. Jn addition to the p=o =ora cho=ge on wore= and sewe= mains, the p=ope=ty owne= must pay the top cha=ges os established by the City of Coppe]]. Appendix B 3 CHANCERY OFFICE Diocesc oJ' ])alla,s 3915 LEMMON AVENUE POST OFFICE BOX 19507. DALLAS. TEXAS 75219 May 13, 1988 The Honorable Lou Duggan City Hall P. O. Box q78 Coppell, Texas 75019 Dear Mayor Duggan: In behalf of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas I write to assure and promise that the Diocese will pay for its pro-rated, one half share of street improvements on Woodmoor in Coppell fronting its property and forming the Northern border of St. Ann Catholic Parish. This letter will serve in place of escrowing funds for the future completion of Woodmoor in the above mentioned location. Yours very truly. Thomas Tschoepe Bishop of Dallas cc: Mr. Alan D. Ratliff, City Manager Rev. Kilian J. Broderick, =Administrator Ollice of Ihe Bishop --- 5;~R-2.240 · Accounlinq & Fltrt¢l ~ommission .... 57F~ 7500 * Tritmnal -- 528-9970 · Inf~mali¢)n --- ST. ANN CATHOLIC CHURCH Planning and Zoning City of Coppell 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019 April 13, 1988 129 LANSDOWNE CIRCL/~ COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 214/393-2593 Gentlemen: As was evidenced in our preliminary plat presentation, St. Ann Catholic Church has dedicated the required half of the right of way for street improvements on it's northern boundary, which will be a continuation of Woodmoor. Additionally, St. Ann also has agreed with Glen Hinkley to pay the cost of our share of the street improvement at such time as those improvements are made. ~--~fou s vet tr, I ,', cc: Beran g Shelmire