Royal Lane Ext/FP-CS 890222TO ROBERTS & DOWDEY CIVIL ENGINEERS ACREY, ROBERTS & PIERSON, INC. THREADGILL - DOWDEY & ASSOCIATES 16200 Dallas Parkway, Suite 200 DALLAS, TEXAS 75248 Phone 931-0694 2-22-89 WE ARE SENDING YOU [~"Attached [] Under separate cover via [] Shop drawings ~'~rints [] Plans [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] RE¸ the following items: [] Samples [] Specifications THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ~ F~or approval [] For your use [] As requested [] For review and comment [] FOR BiDS DUE [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections 19 ~i] Resubmit__ [] Submit_ ~ Return__ copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO PRODUCT240-3 /~i Inc., Groton, Ma~ 0!4/[ SIGNED: If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Robert E, Acrey, P.E. Dan M. Dowdey, P.E. DavicJ E. Pierson, P.E. Buddy J. Roberts, P.E. J. G. Threadgill, P.E. (Retired) ROBERTS & DOWDEY C WL FNGINEERS 16200 Dallas Parkway, Suite200 -- Dallas, Texas 75248 -- (214) 931-0694 February 21, 1989 Mr. Russell Doyle City Engineer City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 RE: Royal Lane Extension Coppell, Texas Dear Russell: Based on my conversation with Kevin Pieffer of Ginn Incorporated, concerning his review and approval of construction plans for the Royal Lane Extension, I will make the following comments. The following changes to the plans will be made during the "Record Drawing" submittal for Phase I construction. Paving Sheet 1 of 2: The median from station 0+20 to station 0+60 is currently designed as a 40 foot opening. The "Record Drawings" will reflect a 60 foot median opening. This has no effect on Phase I construction. Paving Sheet 1 of 4: The "85' x 591' Drainage Easement For Temporary Channel" will be revised to read "Limits of Drainage Channel to be maintained by property owner". 3e Drainage Sheet 4 of 4: The "Drainage Easement For Temporary Channel" east of Royal Lane will be revised to read "Limits of Drainage Channel to be maintained by property owner" The following comments by Mr. Pieffer will be addressed prior to your "stamping" the construction plans. /['~~ ~~'~nage Sheet 3 of 4: A spacing detail shown on this sheet ,,, ~" ~"~ ~-~-~l~ecast Double 6' x 4' R.C.B. Spacing Detail" will be removed. ..... , , SEY ROBERTS & PIERSON INC - THREADGILL-DOWDEY & ASSOCIATES Mr. Russell Doyle February 21, 1989 Page 2 The detail "Box Culvert Embedment Detail" will control the spacing between the precast units (if the contractor elects to install precast box culverts). 2. A trench safety plan report was included in the bid documents and a copy was submitted to Russell Doyle, City Engineer, on January 3, 1989. I am looking forward to your approval of these plans. Sincerely, William A. Anderson, P.E. WAA/dkb cc: Kevin Pieffer