St Ann Church/Re-AG 930713AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING ITEM NUMBER ITEM CAPTION~ PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of a Replat of St. Ann Catholic Church Addition, to allow the expansion of the original plat, located at the northeast corner of Sandy Lake Road and Samuel Boulevard, at SUBMrVFED BY: Date of Planning and Zoning: June 17, 1993 Comm. OTHER REP.: DATE: Decision Planning and Zoning: To declare an inaction on this item plat to proceed on to City Council for ctmsideration. Please see the attached staff r~. for further detail~. B~ AMT. +1- BUDGET LEGAL REVIEW BY: AGENDA REQ~ FORM REVISF_.~ 2/93 RI.PLAT P & Z HEARING DATE: C. C. HEARING DATE: LOCATION: CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT - ST. ANN CATHOLIC CHURCH ADDITION June 17, 1993 July 13, 1993 The normeast comer of Sandy Lake Road and Samuel Road. SIZE OF AREA: 19.53 acres. CURRENT ZONING: SF-9(SUP)) and Commercial. REQUEST: Approval of a Replat to allow the expansion of the original plat. APPLICANT: St. Ann Catholic Church Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas 129 Lansdowne Circle Coppell, Texas 75019 (214) 528-4870 Represented By: Nathan Maier Engineers 8800 N. Central Expwy. Three Northpark, Suite 300 Dallas, Texas 75231 (214) 739-4741 HISTORY: The northern portion of Lot 1 and all of Lot 2, were previously platted as St. Ann Catholic Church Addition, and the southern portion of Lot I was platted as Georgetown Plaza. Please see attached exhibit. TRANSPORTATION: This site is adjacent to Sandy Lake Road, which is presentl°y a 2-lane asphalt roadway with plans for expansion to a 4-lane divided road. ITEM 7 SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - Single-Family use; SF-9 zoning South - Single-Familey use; PD-SF Zoning East - Single-Family use; SF-9 Zoning West - Commerical & Vacant; Commercial Zoning COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Commercial for the southern porfi'on of the property (Georgetown Retail Center) and the northern piece to develop as single-family. ANALYSIS: The purpose of this replat is to combine the new property that St. Ann Catholic Church recently acquired, with the existing facility, into one lot. Each of the parcels, are presently platted under separate names; the church property (the northernmost property) is platted under the name of St. Ann Catholic Church Addition, and the retail shopping center (the southernmost property) exists under the name of Georgetown Plaza. At this point, it is unclear why the church is proceeding with the application and staff has no valid reason to offer support for this replat request. With half of the replat zoned as commercial and the remaining portion as SF-9(SUP), the operation of a retail shopping center is inconsistent with the present use of a church. Staff is not in favor of approving the plat as submitted; however, further consideration may be considered if the church were to rezone all of the property from (C) Commercial and (SF-9-SUP) to (SF-9-SUP) in its entirety. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the Replat 2) Deny the Replat 3) Modify the Replat ATTACHMENTS: 1) Replat 2) Exhibit stann.stf c/RCLE .' * · ' :"',.;:":" ',. ,:::', :::i, ,',:: ', ,':: .... ....... A REPLAT OF SAINT ANN CATHOLIC CHURCH AN ADDIIION FO '~H£ C/flY OF COPPEI ! OUT OF PATIENCE PILES SURVEY ABST. NO. I 137 DALLAS COUNFY, TEXAS luly 8, 1993 Ms. Taryon Bownvm city of Coppeu ~$ P&rkw~y Coppell, Texss 75019 NATHAN D. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Repl4t . St./om Cgtlmltc ~k NDM No.: 93.M.~44 In the engineefln~ depnrlment's review letter for tim above rel~renced repht, dated Iuly 6, 1992, we are -sked to construct a sidewalk alon~ .~tmtml Boulevard. Due to the hct that a future sanctuary and p0~lbly other improvements will be comtructed in tide m~, we would like to postpone the wnstmctton o/the sidewalk until the future construction is completed. If this requires a requested Variance to the Subdivision Ordimn~, please let this k, tler ~erve as such. Mik~ DnnJel MD/crab ~L~ cc: Jay Turner Three NoTthPerk / 8800 N. Central Expw¥, / Suite 300 / Dallas, Texas 75231 / (214) 739-4741