CC minutes excerpt of 6/14/9414. PUBLIC HEARING: To consider approval of a zoning change, Case #ZC-559fCH) from 2F-9, MF-2 and LI to any appropriate zoning district classification, including, but not limited to, SF-7, SF-9, SF-12, SF-18, SF-ED, 2F-9, MF-1 and/or LI, on approximately 140 acres of land located along the west side of Coppell Road, along the north and south side of Ruby Road. Mayor Pro Tem Robertson filed a Conflict of Interest with the City Secretary and abstained from discussion or voting on this item. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council indicating that this item would require a 3/4 vote and with the absence of Councilmember Mayo and conflict of Mayor Pro Tem Robertson, there could be no vote on this matter at this meeting; and that the Applicant had asked to have the hearing continued until the June 28, 1994 City Council meeting. Mayor Morton opened the Public Hearing and asked for those persons wishing to speak against this proposal. There were none. He then asked for those persons wishing to speak in favor of this proposal. Barbara Schmidt, 125 Whispering Hills Drive; Mary Evelyn Mobly, 709 South Coppell Road; Ann McNear, 456 W. Bethel; and Barbara Bailey, 232 Plantation all spoke in favor of a LI zoning. Mayor Morton indicated that the Public Hearing would be held open and continued until the June 28, 1994 City Council Meeting. 15. PUBLIC HEARING: To consider approval of a zoning change, Case #ZC-553(CI-I} from TH-l, MF-1 and MF-2 to any appropriate zoning district classification, including, but not limited to, SF-7, SF-9, SF-12, SF-18, SF-ED, MF-1 and/or O, on approximately 50 acres of land located on two tracts, Tract A located along the east side of MacArthur Boulevard, north of the TU Electric right-of-way line on a total of approximately 30 acres of land. Tract B, approximately 20 acres, is located along the east side of MacArthur Boulevard, approximately 500 feet north of Riverchase Drive and southeast of the TU electric right-of- way line; more particularly described in the Dallas County Records as Abstract #1442; tracts 2.2, 6.1, 1, and 5.1. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Mayor Morton opened the Public Hearing and asked for those persons wishing to speak against this proposal. Art Hewett, 8440 Walnut Hill Lane, and Dennis Winzeler, reoresentine Vista Properties, Inc., 5950 Berkshire Lane, spoke against the proposal. He then asked for those persons wishing to speak in favor of this proposal. Pat Keenan, 412 Wellington; Pat Moriarty, 156 Meadowglen Circle; Paul Shea, 259 Tealwood Drive; Chuck Sturges, 132 Newport Drive; and Barbara Bailey, 232 Plantation spoke in favor of this zoning change. Councilmember Stably requested that this item be divided and that Tract A and Tract B be discussed and acted upon separately, with Tract B being discussed first. Mr. Sieb informed the Council that written opposition had been received on this item and that a 3/4 vote would be required to change the zoning. Councilmember Stably moved to close the Public Hearing as to Tract B and maintain the zoning of MF-2 on Tract B, being approximately 20 acres located on the east side of MacArthur Boulevard approximately 500 feet north of Riverchase Drive and southeast of the TU Electric Right-of-Way Line. Mayor Pro Tem Robertson seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-1 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Alexander, Stably, Watson, and Sheehan voting in favor of the motion and Councilmember Reitman voting against the motion. Councilmember Stably moved to hold the Public Hearing open on Tract A and take the matter under advisement until August 9, 1994 and that a moratorium on construction be placed on Tract A until August 9, 1994. Councilmember Sheehan seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Alexander, Stably, Watson, Reitman, and Sheehan voting in favor of the motion. CM061494 Page 7 of 12