St Ann Church/Re2-CS 97011701/17/97 16:25
214 233 2259
~214 233 2259 ,,All iance Archs ,,
~'~'~ ~ %i rJi ~'
January l7, 1997
MleJ~ W. Pa~ll~, AIA
Dutch E,
C'm~ J, Rac~an, A~A
Mr. Gary L Sieb
Director of Planning & Community Services
City of Coppeli
P.O. Box 478
Coppell, TX 75019
RE: Second Replat for St. Ann's Catholic Church
Dear Mr. Sieb:
Please accept this letter as our formal request for the elimination of the 20 foot hike and
bike easement along Sandy Lake Road. The plat introduc~ at the Planning and Zoning
Commission public hearing of January 16. 1997 contains the referenced easement per
earlier recommendations of the Parks and Leisure Department.
However, after further consideration, it appears them may be more advantages to the
trail location on the South side of Sandy Lake Road. As support for this request, we
offer the following:
The existing hike and bike easements along the North side of Sandy Lake
Road appear to be non-contiguous. Also existing improvements appear to
limit a continuous pathway.
b) ', Bocaus~ of the proposed offset on the Sandy Lake it is our understanding a
wider right-of-way easement will be available on the South side of Sandy
~, .C) It is also our understanding current plans call for a wider than standard
sidewalk along the South portion of Sandy Lake Road.
d) Because of the above items, it is believed the South side of Sandy Lake
Road would be a more conducive trail development.
your Consideration of this requestis sincerely appr~iated. Should you have any
questions or require f .utther information, please call me at your convenience.
Michael W. Parrish, AIA
Principal , ~,
cc: Father Tim Church
AUJANGEAgCHITECI'S ~. ~127~) M~ff 1~.
Suite 550 LB 5~ DO~IOs, Texos 75251 (972) 233/04~ Fax (972)