Sandy L Add(1)/PP-DR 901025DEVELOP~iENT REVIEW Revlem o~ Please ~efe~ ~o co~ments fo~ S-i049(A). i'n o'K-de~. -to c-o~ti~ue r-eviE~ of this pPeit~inary pia~ p~ues$, piease submit ~G ~vised folded se~s o~ plans by 30. ~ie~ ~iii con~ ir,ue a~ ihe nex~ D~el o~e~ Revie~ p.~. The P~eaF-i'~g fo~ consi~eratic~ a~U ~vle~ ~]~ ~e Piar~r~i~g a~U Zc~,in~ Cc~m~ission is s~heduied on Thupsday~ iiovemb~ 8~ I990 a~ T:30 p.m. ano by ~he Cii~ Council ~ T~es~ay~ Dec~b~ ii~ l~)O at 7:00 p.m. Both hearings ~1ii be conoucte~ 1~, ~he Cou~cti Cha~be~s a~ Ci$'y Hall. A ~e~es~tative fop ~is ~o3e~ mus~ be in attenOance a~ bot~ r~e~ings.