Sandy L Add(1)/PP-DR 900927DRC DATE: REVI'EW OF: CITY OF COPPELL PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION ro P'r. 27, tqqo BY: ~hohre Dancshman~, Phone ~f 462-8495 PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PLANS: A. Please make the following additions and/or corrections to the preliminary plat, as marked: 1) - The names and zoning of adjacent properties, names on ' record of owners of adjoining parcels. /' The location, widths and names of all existing and 2) - proposed streets, easements, fire lanes or other public ways within or adjacent to the tract. 3) - Existing and proposed zoning of. the site and the surrounding properties. ./ 4) Topography of the site (intervals of 5 feet or less, referred 'to sea level datum). 5) Per Floodplain Management Ordl. nance 4~:87390, (Art. 5, Sec. C, Item 4, Page 34), all subdivision proposals must have the' following no'~-e placed on the preliminary and final plats. "Floodplain Dove].opment Permit Application No. has been filod wU'th 'the City of Coppell Floodplain Administrator on , 19 .. 6) l) 2) (Floodplain Administrator) (Date) - No Comment. The following information, as marked, is required to be contained in the preliminary engineering plans. '. Submit preliminary engineering plan~. The .plans shall show existing structures, utilities, sewers, water mains, culverts, power poles, telephone Page 1/2 Hia Cou .., Pag . .. !.'i'.'~d I: lin ~,ine lin9 :he ', fo: if or !for if or ~for te o~ 1) 2) 5) o) The following in~orma%ion, as marked, is requirud to be oontained in the final construction plans of the above proJect~ ProvJ. de final construction plans, simultaneously 'with final plat submittal. Final plans must have a cover sheet, detailed design plans, and standard detail sheets. A.cover sheet, for final construction plans shall include · ~he following: * Name Of the project * Owner's name and address * Engineer's name and address * Ancchitect's name and address * Vicinity map * Index list, covering all pages included in the set * "Plan Approval Paragraph", see attached Detailed final construction plans shall contain 'the following: * All required street paving plans and'profile sheets. * .All required storm drainage plans and profile sheets. * All required alley paving plans and profile sheets. * A complete and accurate drainage area map and detail 'grading plan. ' * All required letters of permision from adjacent Ail required water and sewer engineering plans. - Provide barricading plans. - Provide trench safety, sealed by a registered engineer . in the State of Texas. Delineate proposed and existing water, distribution system .and pipe sizes. Delinea'~e proposed and existing sewage collection system /,~ and pipe sizes Provide a'Drainage Area Map covering two parts: a) show On-site Drainage Map, on a scale of 1" TM 20', 40'. 50' etc. . ' with all details.as required in the Subdivision 6rdinance; b) show the Off-site Drainage Map, on a scale 1" = 100', 200', etc .... Delinea'ue 'the project's boundary on it, plus 'the less detailed drainage system, to clearly demonstrate the affect of such activities, drainage outfal].s, on 'the adjacent properties and 'the Drainage ; Cc t:o nd ~on lin, Uin. cot fo fo ~ fO £ ! ii) 12) 1,3 ) 14) 17) all storm sewer systems must be designed for 100-year design frequency. Technical Paper 40 should be used to compute rainfall intensities, as per the-Subdivision Ordinance, (Appendix "i", Page 30). Show the hydraulic calculations for each portion of the storm system on. the profile, such as pipe size, Q100 (cfs), Qc (cfs), S, v (FPS) etc... . All logs within or adjacent to the 100-year Floodplain shall have the lowest floor elevation for each building site shown on the site grading plans. '. i permanent bench mark must be established with in a subdivision development, see attached Floodplain Development checklist. Each sheet of the plans shall contain a title block' and consistent page numbers. Ail appropriate fees as per subdivision ordinance must , be paid. Delineate a Revision block on 'each sheet. Revision dates must be shown on each sheet with Engineer's . initials next to them. All above comments must be addressed, prior to Staff's 'recommendation for approval of the final plat and plans. = . ProVide a written response on all comments with explanations provided on items not addressed as requested above. · Pz6vl oz - · Hia , Cou~ Pag~ nd b ~ l£n~ po~ ,Off Oi line uing come for- for for for for, ~t of lan~ DRC/COMMENTS/ENG/FINAL SD/bb Page 3/3