St Joseph Vill/PP-AG010710C-OFF-Et;f. au sr FOra · * -:~.q~'-~.'7~ ~*'~*c~¥ council. ~r~: July 10, 2001 ~ # I ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the St. Joseph Village, Lots 1-4, Block A, Preliminary Plat, to allow the development of a Retirement Community and municipal facilities on approximately 51.17 acres of property located along the south side of Sandy Lake Road, 1200' east of MacArthur Boulevard SUBMITTED ~ S TAF~I/c~EM.'ME~ector~g and Community Services APPROVED BY CiTY COIJN~I~ DATE 7'--/~ -/~/ Date of P&Z Meeting: June 21, 2001 Decision ofP&ZCommission: Approved (7-0) with Commissioners McCaffrey, Clark, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. Nesbit, McGahey, Kittrell, Approval is recommended, subject to the following conditions: ® ® The Final Plat shall not be filed prior to the release of the updated ~ F.E.M.A. maps, indicating that this property has been removed from the flood plain. TXU easements, as needed, are to be provided on the Final Plat. (NOTED ON PLAT) Submission and approval of the separate instruments for the abandonment of the existing drainage easements. (NOTED ON PLAT) 5) (CONDITION MET) Revisions to the fire lane radii to meet minimum standards is required. (NOTED ON PLAT) G V erify that the minimum finished floor elevations stated on the plat are in accordance with the City's Flood Plain Ordinance. CONDITIONS CONTINUED ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE. DIR. INITIALS: q~'5' FIN. REVIEW.~ CITY MANAGER REVI /, ' Agenda Request Form - Revised 5/00 ~STJOEpp ST. JOSEPH VILLAGE, LOTS 1-4, BLOCK A, PRELIMINARY PLAT CONDITIONS (CONTINUED) Provision of needed easements to the City of Irving for the water line. (NOTED ON PLAT) If revisions are not minor in nature, the submission of an amended Site Plan for Phase 2 may be required due to the additional width of the waterline easement. G Revise the R.O.W. for Sandy Lake Road documents. (NOTED ON PLAT) to reflect the dedication Once the R.O.W. for Sandy Lake Road is verified, then verify the accuracy of the location of the trees along Sandy Lake Road as indicated on the approved Landscape Plan. CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT ST. JOSEPH VILLAGE PRELIMINARY PLAT P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: CURRENT ZONING: REQUEST: APPLICANT: HISTORY: June 21,2001 July 10, 2001 Along the south side of Sandy Lake Road, 1,200 feet east of MacArthur Boulevard. Approximately 50.18 lacres of property PD-114R (Planned Development-114) Residential/Rest Home/Nursing Home Preliminary Plat approval St. Joseph Village, Inc. c/o Monsignor Killian Broderick 180 Samuel Blvd. Coppell, Texas, 75019 (972) 241-1272 (Joe Dingman) Fax (972) 241-1214 Architect: Aguirre Corp. Michael Millican 12700 Park Central, 15~ Floor Dallas, Texas (972) 789-2645 Fax (972) 788-1583 On March 27, 2001 City Council approved a Planned Development District for residential/rest home and nursing home on this property. This property was rezoned from MF-1 to PD 114, SF-7 in 1992 for 139 single-family residences. That development did not occur, and today the property remains vacant. TRANSPORTATION: Sandy Lake Road is proposed to be a C4D/6 4 lane divided roadway, contained within a 110 foot right-of-way. Star Leaf is proposed to be 33 feet wide through this area within a 55 foot right of way. Item #10 SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- scattered single family housing and vacant land; SF-12 South -MacArthur Park and vacant; LI, O and SF-7 East - TXU easements and single-family residences; A and SF-7 West -church, school, townhouses, multi-family and shopping center; SF- 7, PD-97R, MF-2, PD-182 TH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for residential medium density (4-12 units per acre) single family uses. DISCUSSION: In March of this year, City Council approved the zoning for a retirement facility on this property. Platting this property is the next step towards development. While most of the site issues were addressed during the zoning process, several issues still need to be resolved through the platting process. The purpose of this plat is to define the area for the development of this facility, and to provide for needed rights-of-way, easements, parkland and land for public facilities. To this end, this tract has been subdivided into four lots. Lot 1, (29.63 acres) will be developed with the 437 residences, chapel and ancillary uses. Lot 2 (1.947 acres) will be the site of the City's new water facility which is being relocated from the Sandy Lake frontage. Lot 3, containing 2.12 acres, will be dedicated to the City of Coppell for parkland. Finally, Lot 4, containing 13.484 acres of flood plain land, contains TXU facilities and easements and will ultimately contain a hike and bike trail, pedestrian bridge and limited parking for the retirement community. Several issues still need to be resolved prior to the final platting of this property. The first issue is regarding the City of Irving's existing 54 inch water line located in the Phase Two development area, adjacent to Sandy Lake Road. As detailed in the attached letter, the City of Irving is requesting 10 feet of easement in addition to their existing 20 foot easement to protect their water line. This will impact the design of Phase 2 of this development. A revised site plan will be submitted for staff review. If the revisions are determined to be minor, then an amendment to the Planned Development District will not be required. The next issue concerns the fire lanes. While the fire lanes have been revised to meet the requirements for approved turn-arounds, some of the radii are still substandard and need to be revised. Item #10 As discussed, Lot 4 is in the floodplain and will eventually contain a hike and bike trail and a pedestrian bridge. Given that the location and alignment are not determined at this time, it is recommended that the notes committing to provide these by separate instrument remain on the plat, but the preliminary alignmem of the Hike and Bike trail be removed from the face of the plat. There are currently inconsistencies between the R.O.W. indicated on the preliminary plat and the R.O.W. described in the dedication documents for Sandy Lake Road. These legal descriptions need to match. Once this R.O.W. is accurately reflected on the plat, then the approved landscape plan needs to be overlaid on the revised preliminary plat to assure that the proposed street trees are in the correct location. Per the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance, all setback lines adjacent to streets need to be platted. Setback lines are currently indicated along Star Leaf and the eastern property line. However, a twenty-five foot setback line needs to be indicated along Sandy Lake Road. TXU easements are also needed on this plat. There are several existing drainage easements which traverse this property which will no longer be necessary with the development of this property. These are noted as being abandoned by separate instrument. These instruments need to be submitted to the City for approval. A portion of this property is currently in the 100 year flood plain. A preliminary F.E.M.A. map update has determined most of this property is actually out of the flood plain. A revised map from F.E.M.A is expected to be released in August of this year. A final plat will not be processed until such time that flood plain designation has officially been revised. Finally, a verification is needed that the Finished Floor Elevations as stated on the plat are in accordance with the provisions of the City's Flood Plain Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff recommends APPROVAL of the Preliminary Plat for St. Joseph Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. The final plat shall not be filed prior to the release of the updated F.E.M.A. maps, indicating that this property has been removed from the flood plain. 2. TXU easements, as needed, are to be provided on the final plat. 3. Submission and approval of the separate instruments for the abandonment of the existing drainage easements. 4. Setback line needs to be provided along Sandy Lake Road. Item #10 5. Retention of the notes providing for the Hike and Bike Trail and the Pedestrian Bridge to be provided by separate instrument are required, but the removal of the alignment of the proposed hike and bike trail from the plat is recommended. 6. Revisions to the fire lane radii to meet minimum standards is required. 7. verify that the minimum finished floor elevations stated on the plat are in accordance with the City's Flood Plain Ordinance. 8. Provision of needed easements to the City of Irving for the water line. 9. If revisions are not minor in nature, the submission of an amended site plan for Phase 2 may be required due to the additional width of the waterline easement. 10. Revise the R.O.W. for Sandy Lake Road to reflect the dedication documents. 11. Once the R.O.W. for Sandy Lake Road is verified, then verify the accuracy of the location of the trees along Sandy Lake Road as indicated on the approved landscape plan. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request. 2) Recommend disapproval of the request. 3) Recommend modification of the request. 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS 1) Letter from the City of Irving, with attachments 2) Departmental Comments · Engineering · Fire Prevention · TXU Electric and Gas 3) Preliminary Plat 4) Site Plan Item #10 June 7,2001 Mr. Gary Sieb Director of Planning and Community Services City of Coppell PO Box 9478 Coppell, TX 75019 Subject: St. Joseph Village Development Dear Mr. Sieb: I met with Mr. Mike Millican yesterday regarding the proposed development of the St. Joseph Village in the City of Coppell. The development is proposed on property south of Sandy Lake Road and adjacent to a City of Irving easement for a 54-inch diameter water pipeline. The City of Irving has several issues that it would like addressed before the plat is approved: We do not allow placement of permanent structures within our easement due to maintenance concerns. Current design drawings show some of the building footprints on the northeast part of the property inside our easement. We would like to obtain an additional 10 feet of permanent easement or at least a similar building setback requirement from our 20 feet wide permanent easement through the current City of Coppell property on the northeast comer (See attached easement drawing). Our easement was limited to 20 feet in width on the City of Coppell tank site because we thought we would always have a development buffer here and could work with the City of Coppell to obtain additional temporary working space in this area if it was ever needed. · We are very concerned that buildings are now planned right up to the edge of our easement and would be only about 6 feet from our pipe trench. A pipe break in this area could have a major impact on building f~undations and the narrow cascmcn: it.lay ]nc;t21aS~ ihe time it takes to dig the pipe up and make any repairs. This problem will be made worse if the developer places additional fill over the pipeline and makes the pipeline even deeper. We have a butterfly valve manhole and an air relief valve manhole located in the proposed development roadway. These structures are not rated for traffic loading and can not be placed in a road as presently designed. The manholes also can not be moved unless the pipeline is moved. The City would consider having the pipeline moved outside of the new development road (i.e. straightened out), but not at our expense. · We will need to review and approve the design detail for the stormwater pipe crossing of our pipeline. CITY OF IRVING PL~Bt~C ~WORKS DEP^RT~E'qT · ~M~,rER LITILITIES DIVISION P.O. Box 152288, lav~so, TX 75015-2288 · 3000 Rock: ISLAND RD^D, Im,'l~O, TX 75060 972.721.2281 ° FAX 972.721.2280 Any air relief or blow off valve manholes adjacent to the proposed Star Leaf Road will need to be raised by the developer to the proposed grade. We will review and approve the design details. These are very important issues to us and we would like to see them addressed so that the pipeline's integrity is maintained and the risk of any future problems are reduced. Please call me if you have any questions or need further clarification of our concerns. Sincerely, Todd W. Reck, P.E. Water Resources Planning Manager Attachment Pc~ Jack Angel, Director Public Works David Rybum, Asst. Dir. Public Works, Water Utilities Doug Janeway, Real Estate Services Manager Michael Millican, Aguirre Corporation SOHIO / EX/ST. 20' PER~ I I VOL. ~o~, PO. ~ Cl~ OF OOPPELL / / · ]0' ~~ s ~xo~'~' w I / x~'~'E ~ ~/~ ~ -- , ........ ~-~- ' .__ EXIST. 20' PERM. l T.U. E~C~IC 2o ~o" .~,~ ~.~~ ~o.~ ~.o.w./~. · _ / / CITY OF IRVING, TEXAS T.U. E~C~IC ~ PER~E~ WA~R UNE ~EM~ ~ C0MPA~ R.0.W./ES~, / WATER SUPPLY LINE NO.3 - VOL 3887, PG. 110 C~ OF COPPE~ __ ~, aAC~S m ~N~] SEPT. 1995 ~ONSUL~N~ [NGIN~ERS I DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: St. Joseph Addition, Lots 1-4, Block A, Preliminary Plat, request to allow the development of a Retirement Community and municipal facilities on approximately 51.17 acres of property located along the south side of Sandy Lake Road, 1200' east of MacArthur Boulevard, at the request of St. Joseph Village, Incorporated. ! DRC DATE: May 31, 2001 & June 7, 2001 CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer (972-304-3679) COMMENT STATUS: r~r:,rr ~,rr~r a r,v ,/'FINAL 1. The proposed right-of-way dedication for Sandy Lake Road needs to match the right-of-way documents the City has received from the design engineer for Sandy Lake Road. 2. The separate instrument documents for the abandonment of the existing drainage easement need to be provided to the City for review. 3. The minimum finish floor elevation needs to be at least 1' above the ultimate 100-year floodplain elevation. '8G/14/2081 13:29 9723843514 COPPELL FIRE DEPT PAGE 81/81 DE VEL OPMENT RE VIE W COMMITTEE FIRE PREVENTION ~'-~-' © ~ ITEM: ST. J'OSEPHADDITION, PRELIMINARYPI ~1~ *~ DRC D,4TE: M~4 Y 31, 2001 CONT~4 CT: TRA FI$ CR UMP, FIRE MARSHAL. (972) 304-3503 COMMENT STATUS: ~-?.r!T!~Am PRE£1MINAR Y 1. Show all fixe lane radii. M~ inside radius/,s 30 feet. Minimum outside radius is :54 feet. TXU TXU Electric & Gas 4200 North Belt Line Irving, TX 75038 Comments for City of Coppell Development Review Committee May 31, 2001 St. Joseph Addition, Lots 1-4, Block A, Preliminary Plat Plat unacceptable TXU easements need to be platted. Contact Rick Fielding at 972-888-1344. Bobby Oney