Riverchase-1/PP-PN 931206 (2)ZONING- A GRICUL TURAL 10' REQ'D LANDSCAPE STRIP 10' REQ'D LANDSCAPE STRIP N 2~ 51.70' I i 0 0 FENCE ENCLOSURE MA CAR THURBL VD. 2'-3' HIGH BERM (TYP) LA WN AREA COMMON BERMUDA (TYP) 15' REQ'D LANDSCAPE STRIP PLA YGR OUND 4' WIDE SIDEWALK (TYP) OVERSTOR Y TREES LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Off-street Parking and Vehicular Uss Areas A. - 10% Interior Landscaping landscape gross parking area - 232,590 s.S. 232,590 x .10 = 23,259 required 23,275 provided LIVE OAK 2 1/2 -,3" CAL. MIN. CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN RIVER CHASE CLUB APAR TMENT5 0 CHINESE PISTACHE 2 W~~;~~~u~:n;:~;:~: 0 SWEETGUM 2'- 3~ CAL MIN. area Provided - curbs 23,239 s.S. divided by 400 s.S. = 58 trees required 94 trees provided Provided - one (1) island every 12 parking spaces with one tree (2" cal.) per island C. One (1) tree per 40 1.f. required along McArthur Boulevard SMALL 1,450 1.f. (McArthur frontage) divided by 40 = 36 - 2" caliper trees required or 72 caliper inches ~ 36 x .40 = 14.4 Cedar Elms required 32 - 2" caliper trees minimum provided or 64 caliper inches 23 - 5 - 6' accent trees - 1" caliper minimum provided or 11 caliper inches 75 caliper inches total provided SHRUBS Shrubs a minimum of 2'-0" in height, 5 gal. have been planted in continuous hedges along building foundations. Vines shall be planted along building foundation to soften building walls Grass shall be Common Bermuda, Hydromulch/seeded with solid sod in berms and swales which are subject to erosion. All plant material shall be guaranteed by the Landscape Contractor for a period of one (1) year. Proper maintenance to include mowing, edging, pruning, fertilizing, watering, weeding, and other activities shall be provided by the Owner. A permanent irrigation system, with Sod coverage shall be provided by the Owner for the entire site. 2. 3. 4. 5. t I ACCENT TREES REDBUD $'-6' HEIGHT WILD PLUM 5'- 6' HEIGHT CREPE MYRTLE 6'- 8' HEIGHT YAUPON HOLLY 6'--8' HEIGHT DWF BURFoRD HOLL Y, PHOTINA JUNIPERS, DWF YAUPON HOLLY, JAPANESE BARBERRY GR OUNDCO VER [,, J ASIAN JASMINE LIRIOPE VINES CAROLINA JESSAMINE BOSTON IVY ANNUALS  LANTANA, PERIWINKLE, IRIS BERMUDA GRASS MA CAR THUR BL VD. GROUNDCoVER ANNUALS SHRUBS ENTRY WALL / SIGNAGE ENTRY ENLARGEMENT SCALE: 1"=20, "ev,sions date NATHAN D MAIER CONsbLT'NS ~ NQNEFRS, Three Northpark / 8800 N Central [xpwy / Su,te 500 Dallas, Texas 75231 / (214) ?&g-z~741 CEDAR ELM B. Perimeter Landscaping 1. NA 2. Provided - Ten foot (10') perimeter landscape area along the south and west property lines 3. One (1) tree per 50 1.f. of perimeter landscape area required west property line - 1650 1.f. divided by 50 1.f. = 33 trees required 39 trees provided South property line - 620 1.f. divided by 50 1.f. = 12 trees required 12 trees provided Non Vehicular Open Space A. Provided B. Provided C. Provided D. Approximately total site area - 561,000 s.f. Approximate total non-vehicular open space - 272,000 s.f. 272,000 divided by 561,000 = 49% 30-49% - 1 tree/3,000 s.f. required 272,000 divided by 3000 s.S. = 90 - 2" cal. trees required or 180 caliper inches 80 - 2" cal. trees min. provided or 160 caliper inches 78 - 5-6' accent trees - 1" caliper minimum provided or 78 caliper inches 238 caliper inches total provided CONcEPTuAL LANDscAPE PLAN COPPELL, TEXAS desrgn ! t 1 i drawn I scale date note~ t 4 ~ i ~ , 'I ,"-so' ,,-~m ! ~o~ sheet no job number 93-~-093