Creekview P2/Re-DR020425 City of Coppell Development Review Committee Comments Planning Department Creekview Addition, Phase II, Lots lA and lB Replat Salon on the Creek DRC Date: April 25 & May 2, 2002 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting: May 16, 2002 City Council Meeting: June 11, 2002 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Indicate the property owner(s) of the subject property. While we are aware that the contract purchaser is requesting the approval, the current owner(s) should be noted. Please provide staff with written authorization from the current property owner(s) indicating their knowledge of the subject application. Revise the Replat to indicate all curve radii of proposed fire lane easement. Provide a Floodplain signature block, with appropriate language. (See attached sample). Ensure all dates indicate the correct year-2002. Revise language in City Secretary per the attached sample and correctly indicate the type of plat being requesting-a Replat. (See attached) Complete all blanks where the name of the subdivision is required. Indicate the name of the subdivision and recording information for the property to the south. Eliminate notation on plat showing 30' front yard setback along public rights-of- way. Provide approval signature blocks for the following utility companies: · Verizon (Telephone) · Oncor (Electric and Gas) · AT&T Broadband (Cable) Note: A. Please revise plats, site plans, landscape plans, and building elevations based on staff recommendations. Should applicant disagree with staff comments please provide reasons why staff recommendations shouM not be followed when you attend the May 2"a Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting. Each applicant will bring two new sets of revised plats and plans to the May 2n~ DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain, and defend any revision. A representative for this project is re~q~uired to attend the meeting. Applicant will have till noon Tuesday, May 7" to resubmit fourteen (14) folded copies of revised plans, three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X 11) and one legible ~IPEG, TIF, PDF or PowerPoint Slide of each exhibit to the Planning Department. ,aal approval of the City Council unless, through inaction on the part of the Planning and Zoning )n, such Final Subdivision Plat is deemed approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission for Failure to ,he 30-day period required by law. ¢ hand this ~d~-,~ day of (~~ ~ ~A,~L, A.D., '~) ~- , CitySe, ret -- vision Plat approved by formal action of the Planning and Zoning Commission on The 15th day of 2001, thereby accepting the dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places, and water and , as shown and set forth in and upon said plat and authorizing it's Chairman to note the acceptance thereof  me as herinbe_~w subscribed nning~an~n'~gZommlss~on' ' Date/"' '~ '~9'0~ ~ ~pell, Texas ~ret[dl-~, Pl~ning-and Zoning Commission Date -y of Cop_ppe!!, Texas _~00DPL AiN N 0 T .~-T -T -T -T -T -T -~ ~ 1. Subject tract lies within Zone 'X', Zone 'X' shaded, and Zone 'AE". Zone "X' is defined as "Areas determlned to be outside the 5aa-year floodplain. Zone "X" shaded ls def;Aed as "Areas of 500-¥ear flood: areas of 100-¥ear flood with overage depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; and -]teas protected by levees from 100-year flood." Zone "AE"is defined as "Base flood elevations determined." 2. Ail floodplain information was provided by the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map No. 480170-0135 J, dated August 23,2001 for Dallas County, Texas and Incorporated FLOODPLAIN ORDINANCE NOTE: Floodplain Development Permit Application of CoppellFIo~lplaln Administrator on Floodj)lol~ ~cYnlrJJst Fat or No.~J_J~._has been filed with the City ,2002. Date Areas. FIlX NORTHPOI LOTS 1 AMBERPOINT BU: AN ADDITION T JESSE MOORE DALLA AMBERPOI2X TRANSWESTER 5001 SPRING VA~ HALFF ASSOCIATE 8616 NORTHWEST PL SCALE I':200' (214)346 )6 24' 3O" W ~6 24' 45' W ~3 50 4~ w )4 50' 51" W T9 ,52' 12" W T7 1~' 1~" ~/ :~7 Z~' ~2" ~ ~9 24' 29" W /, 2, DELETION I]F ALLEY REQUII~I, IENT (APPENDIX 'C', SECTION '1.A.10) OF THE SUiI~DIVISION ORDINANCE. 3. CUL-DE-SAC LENGTH DF 740 FEET, WHICH EXCEEDS THE PERMITTED 600 FEET (APPENDIX 'C', SECTION 'A.A,8') OF THE SUI~DIVISIDN ORDINANCE. 4. ALL HOMES 9UILT IN TRINITY SHDRE$ ADI]ITIDN SHALL ]~E CONSTRUCTED ~ITH SWING ENTRY GARAGES. 5, A MINIMUM 6' HIGH FENCE DF UNIFORM MATERIAL SHALL ~BE CI'INSTRUCTED ALONG THE REAR PROPERTY LINE OF LOTS 14-19X, CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERNMOST PROPERTY LINE OF LOT 13 AND INSTALLED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTIOi DF THE HOHES WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT. 6, THE COMMON AREAS, LOTS 1X AND 1DX SHALL DE LANDSCAPED AND SCREENED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS DF THE REGULATIONS DF PD-190. AND SHALL i MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATIONS, A DECORATIVE METAL FENCE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ALONG THE REAR PROPERTY LIt LOTS 8, 9, 10 AND 11. Recomm~ for Approvol: / - ~.,~mo..d,.,~ionn~ng ond Z~nKComm~ss~on l[?f't y o[~/?,Gp p ell. Te x o s. / Ap ed an Acc te : e undersigned, the City Secretory of the City of Coppell, Texos, hereby ce~ ?et the ~oregoing Finol Plot of Trinity Shores ~d~tion, on ~d~ig~ t9 the City of Coppell,~Qs wes ouncil on the ~ D~y of ~ ~001, O;~sth:o~,~ by formQI ection, then ond there occepted the dedication of streets, olle~, p 'KS, ~i~furth~ outh~ized the mo~r to note the eccept~nce thereof by signing his nome Qs~ ~h~in ~o~ ~acribed. '. '  ' 2002 "The developer, builder, seltmr, or og~t ~hell inform in writing, moch prompmctivm bu~ of subdivision lots or pretty IocQt~d within ~mciel flood hQzord ormQs of thi~ ~it~, thet ~uch property is in Qn identified flood hozQrd QreQ end thet oil development mu~t c~fi~ to provisions of the City of C~pell Flood Ploin WQnog~ment Ordinonc~. filed for record in the Deed Records of Dollos County ond o c~y of th~ notice mu~t eccompony ~n the deed opplicotion for development pe~it.' "Flood PlQin Dev~pment Permit, ApplicQtion No. ~ hes beton filmd with th~ City of Copp~ Flood ~lein Ad.in.rotor D~tm FINAL PLAT ~3th ~001 iP~k~