Creekview P2/Re-DR020425 (2)DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Creekview Addition Phase II, Lots lA & lB, Block A, Replat, to allow the subdivision of a 2.719 acre tract of land into two lots located at the northeast comer of Denton Tap and Bethel Roads, at the request of Kevin Weir of Spiars Engineering, Inc. DRC DA TE: April 25, 2OO2 and May 2, 2002 CONTACT: Teresa Turner, E.I.T., Graduate Engineer (972-304-3681) COMMENT STATUS: ,,"PRELIMINARY FINAL REVISED AFTER P & Z 1. An easement is required for the water and irrigation meters. 2. Add a note indicating that Lot lB is not buildable due to the floodplain. 3. Show only the existing floodplain limits from the August 23, 2001 map.