Creekview P2/SP-DR020425 City of Coppell Development Review Committee Comments Planning Department Creekview Addition Phase Lot lA Block A Salon on the Creek DRC Date: April 25 & May 2, 2002 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting: May 16, 2002 City Council Meeting: June 11, 2002 Site Plan 1. Indicate the actual number of proposed parking spaces, including handicap spaces. Staff calculates a total of 38 spaces. 2. Within the Synopsis, correctly indicate the proposed use as personal service (beauty salon) and any other intended uses for the remainder of the building, including the estimated amount of square-footage per use (office/medical office, etc.). Additionally, revise label on building to read personal service/office or any other appropriate uses. 3. Indicate the existing zoning on the property immediately to the north. 4. Indicate the ownership and zoning information on the property to the south (across Bethel). 5. Revise label for the 1 single parking space at the north end of the site to read the correct dimension. 6. Indicate that the 15' easternmost portion of the median in Bethel Road is to be removed. 7. Indicate ownership of the existing median in Bethel Road and is permission granted to eliminate a portion of the median? Staff is of the understanding that the median is maintained by the Creekview HOA, but actually owned by the City. See Engineering comments. 8. Relocate proposed monument sign outside the 15' perimeter landscape buffer along both Denton Tap and Bethel Roads. 9. Please indicate the type of proposed lighting to serve the parking lot of the subject site. 10. Indicate finished floor elevation on site plan sheet. 11. Revise General Note #10 to comply with City's standard 9' x 19' parking space. 12, Staff`would also ask that the applicant consider an alternate dumpster location. Landscape Plan 13. Revise line weights to increase plan legibility. Staff would recommend decreasing line weight on topography contours and curb lines and increase line weight of property lines. Additionally, turn off abstract information and lines. 14. Eliminate notation of 30' building line. This is not applicable in this case, nor is it necessary to be shown on the Landscape Plan. 15. Extend screening shrubs further around the northernmost parking space. 16. Revise lot description on Landscape Plan to coincide with the site plan sheets, which indicate the subject lot is Lot IA, Block A, Creekview Addition, Phase II. 17. 18. 19. 20. Please remove reference to landscape credits within the landscape tabulations. Credits can only be utilized when tree reparation is required-when trees are being removed. Perimeter Landscaping-Staff calculates only 11 perimeter trees are provided and 15 are required. Interior Landscaping-The required level of interior landscaping is based on 1 tree per 400 sq. ft. and/or 1 tree at the end of each row of parking, whichever is greater. So, 10 trees are actually required and 9 are provided. (Slightly shift two trees at the end of each row of parking adjacent to the entrance along Denton Tap Rd to apply for Interior) One additional tree must be provided at the end of the row of parking where the dumpster is located. Are the "Limits of hydromulch" also the "Limits of Disturbance." Please specify. Elevations 21. Revise labels on elevations to reach north, south, east, and west. 22. Indicate the type of materials to be used on the monument sign, including the material and color of the proposed letters and the light source. 23. Provide a detail of the proposed dumpster enclosure. The dumpster enclosure shall be of a masonry material designed to match the main building. 24. Revise plans to indicate the percentage of materials used on each elevation. See attached revised Ordinance pertaining to building materials in the commercial districts. Indicate on the elevations the materials used, including the type of awnings, roofing, etc. 25. Indicate the type of attached signage which his proposed to be located on the building. If the specific design is not known at this time, provide sign guidelines to ensure the appropriateness of the sign and indicate the area on the building where the signs will be placed. 26. Dimension building height to midpoint and peak on elevations. 27. Staff would encourage the applicant to revisit the architectural design of the proposed building. Staff commends the applicant's efforts to provide a residential scaled building in such close proximity to a residential neighborhood; however, more commercial features, which appear to have a southwestern character, are provided at the front faqade, which do not appear to tie into the intended architectural design of the building and are somewhat awkward. Note: A. C. Please revise plats, site plans, landscape plans, and building elevations based on staff recommendations. ShouM applicant disagree with staff comments please provide reasons why staff recommendations should not be followed when you attend the May 2na Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting. Each applicant will bring two new sets of revised plats and plans to the May 2~'t DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain, and defend any revision. A representative for this project is required to attend the meeting. Applicant will have till noon Tuesday, May 7~ to resubmit fourteen (14) folded copies of revised plans, three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X 11) and one legible JPEG, TIF, PDF or Powerpoint Slide of each exhibit to the Planning Department. 9