Creekview P2/SP-DR020425 (4)Marc e 0 ambn8: 42'5o28rbb~i~w'~'8'siii6~'~i(~l~.sb'8 ....................... page 1 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE PARKS AND LEISURE SERVICES COMMENTS ITEM: Creekview Addition Phase II, LotlA, Block A, Salon on the Creek, Site Plan DRC DA TE: April 25, 2002 and May 2, 2002 CONTACT: John Elias, Landscape Manager COMMENT STA TUS: I PRELIMINARY I FINAL REVISED P&Z l) The tree designated as #1 on the tree inventory is a 22" Cedar Elm. This tree will be classified as a Specimen Tree. If the tree dies with in two (2) years of issuance of Certificate of Occupancy the owner shall be responsible for tree reparation for the appraised value of the tree as determined by CL TA (Council of Landscaping Tree Appraisers) Guidelines. Digital photos of the tree will be taken before construction begins. 2) Need to see a detail of wall and concrete construction for the area around Specimen Tree. 3) Ail irrigation to be installed under drip line of Specimen Tree will need to be hand dug, or bored. No trenching under drip line of tree. JE 42502creekviewadditionsiteplan