Sandy L Add(1)/PP-CS 900919Artech Design Group, Inc. 1303 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 130 Irving, Texas 75038 214-550-8221 SUBDI¥1SlON APPLICATION ~ubdlvls~on Name Food Lion/Sandy t~ke Addition Yes .-~"~: ~- -~ . Artech Design Group, Inc. ' 130~ WBI~u% Hill Lene~ Suite 120, Irving, Texas 750~8 ,, ~hone .I (214) SSO-82~i ~i:m.'~=epa:ln9 ~at Winkelmann & Associates, Inc, ~&&:emm ~2800 Hillcrest Road, 'Suite 200, Da)las, .TexQs 75930 .2hone ~ ~.~14)490-7090 ~ope:ty ~ne: M(ke Allen - ~nd~ Lake Co,nets, Joint V&nture ~&O:ema Suite 1215 12770 Colt Road, Dallas~ Texas 752~1 ~hone f (214)233-5771 " Deve2ope= 0~Mtex Development CO. A~ress 1303 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 130, [Fving, Texas 75038 ...S~ee t ...... City- ~hone I ...... . m m m whom: " '. Hame _A~te~ ..~.ign GroUp, ~nc. Wl.n~elmann .~ AssoctatJs, inC. " . ~'. 1303 WalnutmHill Lane -1~8~ H(llcrest Road c~ ~, ~t~te~: $~p Irvi~, Texas...ZSO~ Da)las~ Texa[ 7]~30 .' booa~on o~ ~ope:ty 50'0' west of 'NW corner oF Sandy Lake Road a6d Whot is the present ~oning Dist=ict? C ~ Are ~ou request n~ any zoning change2 '. No if-ye~, wh~t is the Case Fi~e No;7 ,~rapose~ Sub~tvi~ion Contains: 2. ~el~minary.~2at 3. ,, Applican,~ ' GeneFa~ Land · Single Family__._ ....... . .... -. ~)ult i-rumi ly ,_ , . ...... ~neb~[~l ....~" · ':' ' .:"~B~ ~ ~ ~t i'~&~ ~ - Total _ _ ..... One : ' ____ .q~.__~]6. :.:_IL__ -- DEVELOPER Received From ~.~"~ Address ~ ~T. OF CA~ ACCOUNT AMT. PAID CHECK