Sandy L Add(1)/FP-CS 901206GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS December 6, 1990 Ms. Shohre Daneshmand, P.E. City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 Re: Sandy.Lake Addition Food Lion, Inc. Final Construction Plans Dear Ms. Daneshmand: We have reviewed the above referenced plans for general conformance to the city of Coppell ordinances and standards. The following sets forth our comments. Plans have been reviewed by Engineering Department, Public Works Department, Utilities, Streets and Parks Departments. Please review all comments shown on plans and return marked up plans with corrections. o The proposed left turn lane from Sandy Lake Road onto the Food Lion site is not an acceptable solution. Please provide a traffic study along with recommendations. A "free" right turn lane (westbound) may be acceptable if properly designed. Using the existing westbound lane of Sandy Lake for a proposed center left turn lane is not advised. Provide curve data on curves of fire lanes along south end of project. Provide correct curve radii information on all fire lane curves as per plat. Provide additional dimensions on site plan to adequately locate paving and parking. ~ Indicate easements on site plan as per those shown on plat. Include plat as part of these plans. On right turn lane, clarify proposed fill/grading in Sandy Lake Road right-of-way. Also, new pavement section, if approved, shall be a minimum of 12' in width. 7. Provide stop sign at Samuel Blvd. and fire lane. 17103 Preston Road · Suite 100 · LB 118 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Solid red striping must meet requirements for "FIRE LANE" striping. Indicate details. Minimum parking lot thickness shall be 6" concrete as per subdivision ordinance. Future improvements to Sandy Lake Road require that the drainage easement along the west property line be provided. It appears that parking and landscaping has been placed over this easement and may have to be removed at some future date. Has this been considered? Clarify grades in southwest corner of property. for specific area. See plans It appears that very little surface runoff will enter inlet A-3 due to the grades shown. Please address. Line "E", storm drainage, 18" culvert under fire lane appears to have a "cover" problem. What will permanent structure be in this area? Clarify grading plan questions shown on Sheet C-2. Provide erosion control measure at northwest corner of property where headwall discharges onto Lee Elementary School property. Provide additional details of headwall Al/Bi. When will channel improvements (along Lee Elementary School property) be done? How does it affect the Food Lion property if not done concurrently? Entire storm drainage system needs to be recalculated. It appears that "Hydro 35" intensity (9.0 in/hr) was utilized instead of City required "TP-40" (11.6 in/hr). At the upstream end of Line "A", why not use, with headwall, for drainage purposes at this time instead of waiting until "future"? At northeast corner of property, grading, plan shows construction of wye inlet, but headwall construction is shown on drainage plan, sheet C-2A. Please clarify. Please clarify Section A-A on Sheet C-2 grading plan. Contours and dimensions shown do not appear to be coinciding. On drainage area and calculations Sheet C-2A, please see comments regarding TP-40 vs. Hydro 35. Pipe sizes may change due to increased flows. Please address. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Wingwall for Line "A" (30" RCP) does not appear to be adequate for 36" RCP at angle shown and size proposed. Please address. Please address Line "E" temporary pre-development structure. Please reconsider and address the size of the "Sag" inlet (D-2) after recalculation occurs. On the utility plan, provide DR14, 200 psi PVC pipe, unless approved otherwise by City Engineer. Add 8" gate valve at west side of building. See plans for location. Also add one on east side on 8" line heading east to Samuel Blvd. Add test port manhole on 6" sanitary sewer north of proposed grease trap. Add double check back-siphonage device to 6" master meter at front of property along Sandy Lake. Where and how will the proposed 8" waterline from the building, east to Samuel Blvd., be located? Please clarify. Provide 6" master meter and double check back siphonage device on the 8" line near Samuel Blvd. Check with fire department, Marshall Troy Glidewell, regarding fire "loops". 33. 34. 35. 36. Ail sanitary sewer mains shall be videoed prior to acceptance. See plans. Add to note #8. Note 14, Utility Plan Sheet C-3, shall indicate Class 200, DR 14 for PVC pipe. All fire hydrants shall be painted all yellow. Provide anticipated average daily water and sanitary sewer demands. On Offsite Utility Sheet C-3A - extra depth manholes shall be minimum 5' diameter. Indicate proposed ditch bottom elevation in profile; provide trench safety plans; manhole at Station 5+00 should be 5' diameter and please clarify how much will be exposed due to ditch construction; please clarify whether construction easement will be required along the west side of the property; provide dimension from west property line to sanitary sewer line; indicate proposed headwall, pipes and erosion control at south end of ditch. 37. On storm sewer profiles, Sheet C-4, indicate correctly the connection of the 36" RCP to the wingwall of the 30" headwall; on Line "B", align "tops" of storm sewer pipes, not flowlines; provide a minimum of 2'-6" separation from waterlines and storm sewer lines; show HGL on all profileS; calculations, pipe capacities, HGL, etc. may change due to use of Hydro-35 vs TP-40 in drainage design criteria. 38. Please clarify 8" Class III PVC as shown on profile sheets. 39. On "stop sign" details, City typically requires square post with anti-theft bolts/nuts, breakway type pole, and height shall be 7'. See comments on plans. 40. No precast inlets allowed. 41. On landscape plans, an approved oWner's agreement for responsibility of maintenance of streetscape elements in the parkway needs to be provided. 42. Ail landscaping shall conform to City of Coppell streetscape plan and plant legend as shown. Approval by owner's representative is subject to conformance to streetscape plan. 43. On irrigation detail, double check gate valve - fittings to be all bronze. Valve box and cover to be galvanized. Other than the above stated items, we have no further objections to the plans as submitted. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact our office. Sincerely, Gabe Favre GF/dsp cc: Taryon Bowman Winkelman & Assoc. H. Wayne Ginn, P.E. File 90441