Sandy L Add(1)/FP-CS 911022October 22, 1991 TO: FROM: SUB J: Ala~ D. Ratliff, City Manager Dale Jackson, Chief Building O~ Gary Sieb, Director of Planning Lights at Food Lion As you are aware, I received a complaint through your office, regarding the excess amount of light that was being shed on adjacent reddential areas from the Food Lion store. I went to the site on several different nights to measure light meter readings. Originally the light meter indicated a reading of approximately .6 foot candies or approximately 2 1/2 times the amount of light that is anowed to filter onto a residential area from a commercial source. The contractor for Food Lion met me at the ske on two other occasions and installed shields that blocked the light passage onto the residential property. The shields basically deflected the light down toward the ground. After the installation of all shields, I again went to the site and was able to determine that the light meter was showing approximately .2 foot candles which did comply with the requirements of the ordinance. DJ:dm FOODLION.MEM