Royal Lane Ext/FP-PN 870717 ro_/ec VICIIV I T Y / x, \ ! MAP ! ! / IOOO / I ' Moore Survey - ~]bst 966; I OWNER'& CERTIFICATE WHEREAS, Baker & Asscc~ates Joint Venture Nm. 7 and Connell Development Company are the owners of a 3.255¢ acre tract of land sztuated zn the C:ty cc Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and out of the Jesse Moore Survey, Abstract No. 968, be~pg part of the 30 508 acre tract descmbed zn deed to Baker & Associates Jotnt Yenture No. 7 ~n Vol. 85013, Page 4156, and part of the 20 acre tr.ct descrtbed xv deed to Conncll Development Company xn ¥ol. 83219, Page 2674 of the Seed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and betng more partrc~larly descrtbe, ab follows' BEGINNING at a po~nt zn the south line of Sandy Lake Rd. (50' R.O W ), sazd po~nt being 941 84 feet East of the southeasterly l~ne of State }lzghway 121 (100' R ~ ) sa~d poznt also bezng the northeast cornez of sazd 30.508 acre tract of land owned by Baker & Assoc Joint Ventur~ ' 7, _~_,4ST ~50/ / ...% q 15. tqor ; b tXglAIT OF THENCE cont~nuzng East along the sou~, l~ne of saxd Sandy Lake Rd a d.stapce of 65.00 feet to an zren rod set ~,r corner, THENCE Sou[h 0° 11' 00" East a d~stance of 300.00 feet to an ~ron rod set for corner, THENCE West a dxstance of 15.00 feet to an ~ron rod set for corner, THENCE South 0°11'00'' East a d~stance of 1027 90 feet to an z~on rod set for corner on thc ~ 'h l~ne of sa~d tract of land owned by Connell Development Co., also ~e~ng the north !~ne of Freeport North, .ap ~ ~t~on to the C~ty of Coppell, Texas, as recorded ~n Vol. 84202, Page 1855 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texa~, TtlENCE South 89°5£'20'' West along sazd north lxne of Freeport North addzt~op a dzstance of ldo O0 feet to an xron rod set for corner; THENCE North 0°11'00'' West a dzstance of 1027.94 feet to an ~ron rod set for corner, THENCE West a dzstaJce of 1S.00 feet to an xron rod set for corner; THENCE North 0° t1' 00" West a d~stance of 300 00 feet to an zron rod set ~n the South lxne of saxd Sandy Lake Rd; THENCE East along the south l~ne of sa~d Sandy Lake Rd a dzstance of 65 O0 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1~1,792 quare feet, more or !ess, or 3 2551 acres of land. NOW, T}fEP'FORL, KNOW ALI. MEN BY TIlt]SE PRESENTS TtbW, Baker f~ Associates, Jo~nt Ventu-e No. ' ~, C p,,el! Development Company, do hereby adopt thzs plat, desxgnat~ng the here~n described property as Royal Lane Extens. as addxtxon to the (.~ty of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and be:eby dedxcate to the public use forever the strec. .m' alleys shown thereon The easements shown thereon are hereby reserxed for the purposes as tndxcated blINESS SlY HAND Al' DALLAS IEXAS, Tills /[, '?~ DAY OF fx59M-'~P 1986. /7 Wxllard R. Baker STATE OF FEXAS COUNTY OF DALI,AS BEFORE MI., the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for Da.las County, lexas, on this day persona!!y appeared Wlllard R Baker, known to to be the and officer whose subscribed to the ~nstrument and foregoing me person name acknowledged to me that the same ~as the act of the sa~d Baker [ Assocxates Joint Venture No. 7 and that he executed the same as the ac~ of such Lompany for the purposes and cons~deratton there~n expressed, and ~n the capacity theren stated GIVLN UNDER SlY ItAND AND SEAL OF OFFICt., th~s the /d day of , ..~ . , 19~. . ~ /.~-' ~ '~ ~,~ '-~ ~ . / ' ' No{ary~ubl~c, Dall~s'Co&ty, lexas ., I~'TNLSS MY }lAND AT D~LI.AS, 3LXAS, THIS _~ DAY Hark W Conne!l x O' $ 8 9 °_,SR 1 I000" S'IATL OF IEXAS COUNTY OF DALI,AS BLFORL ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public ~n and for Dallas County, 'lexas, on th~s day personally appeared Mark iq. Connell, known to me to be the person and off,car ~hose name ~s subscribed to the foregoing ~nstrument and acknowledged to me that the same ~as the act of the sa~d Connell Development Company, and that he executed the same as the act of such Comtmny lot the purposes -ad cons~deratlon there~n expressed, and ~n the capacity there~n stated GIVEN UNDI.R MY tlfiND AND b[,l. OF OFFICL th~s the ,~' day of 198~. My Lommlslon Expires Notary 'Fdbl~c, l)a-llZ~a~-b-~y, lexas bURVLYOR'S CERIIFICAIION Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission Czty of Coppell, Texas Approved and accepted I, Robert Acrey, a Registered Public Surveyor, do hereby certify that the plat shown hereon represents the results of an on the ground survey made under my d~rect~on and supervision d, r~ng the month of _F~ and that all corne~s are as shown hereon BI.I. ORL Mi., the undersigned, a 1286 Date Notary Public ~n and for sa~d County anti .States, Acrey, known to me to be the person whose name ~s subscribed to the forego:ng ~nstrument and ac~ he executed the same for the purpose and considerations there~n expressed, and No'~a~y'Publ~c' Dalla~-COh~ty~ Texas- Hy Cor~zszon Expires Y,4/_ ~/A/.4 4 on vh~s day per~-~'r~y appeared Robert ~ledged to me that EX TEA1 S/OAI L IVE CITY OF CO,OPEL L , D,4L L ,4 S X,4 $ COUNT Y the undersigned, the Ctty Secretary of the C:ty of Coppell, Texas, hereby cert~fxes that the foregoing final plat cf the Royal Lane Extension to the City of Co~p. ell was subm~J.~d to the C~ty Council on the day of ~ 198~ and the Council, by formal action, t¥~ and there accepted the dedi- cation of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places, and ~ater and sewer lines, as shown and set forth in and upon sa~d plat, and sa~d Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by s~gning h:s name as here;nabove subscribed httness my hand th~s __~~___ day Z~)7i--, A.D., 198&. Do ve lop ,r-s · do/n? lan tore Mo 7 /0939 Shady Trw// /~5~ ~oe/ ~d Su, t~ 675 Do~lox, : Acrey, Roberts /~ '~, 0 ~br~ms ~ ~u/ te 408 .5~',J/e /' ,'0~~ zg~:/e ~ oG I 19~