Sandy L Add(1)/FP-CS 961206ZONING VERIFICATION TO: AMRESCO CAPITAL CORPORATION c/o Darrell Hurmis 5001 Spring Valley Road Suite ll00W Dallas, TX 75244 Sandy Lake Addition, Lot 1, Block A S.M. Hiatt Survey, Abstract No. 638, Coppell, Texas December 6, 1996 Ladies and Gentlemen: We have been advised that AMRF_.SCO CAPITAL CORPORATION is considering financing the above-described project. In that regard, we have been asked to provide you with certain zoning information in connection with this project. 1. Current Zoning: The property is zoned (C)- Commercial, which permits by right the current use of the project for administrative offices. 2. Conformance with Current Zoning Reql~iremcnt~: Based on information from our files, the project is a legally conforming use within a legally non-conforming building. The non-conformity pertains to the location of the east wall of the building in relationship to the east property line. The Commercial District requires a 30 foot side yard; this building sits on the property line. In addition, the property does not observe current landscaping requirements. 3. Right to Rebuild Following Casualty: In the event of substantive casualty to the project, the building could not be rebuilt in its current form but rather would be required to observe the above mentioned minimum side yard requirements. 4. Density_ Requirements: Not applicable. 5. Parking Spaces Required at Pro_iect: One (1) parking space per three hundred (300) square feet of gross floor area, for office purposes. 6. NO Violations: All Development-Related F~ Paid: We are unaware of the existence of any violations or alleged violations of any zoning, subdivision, building or similar ordinances or regulations applicable to the project within the past three years or any enforcement proceedings against the project that are pending or contemplated. All fees required to have been paid in connection with the development and use of the project, including any impact-related fees, have been paid, and no such fees which would have applicability to the project are otherwise pending or contemplated. If you should have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at (972) 304- 3677. Sincerely, Isabelle Moro, AICP Planning and Zoning Coordinator 214+419+409H 1~/05/96 THU 12:23 FAX 214+419+4098 HENRY S MILLER COMMERCIA ~001 - H,e,.n..ry S. Miller Commercial- Fax Page For Immediate Attention Date: 12/5/96 Pages: 4 (including this page) To: Isabelle Moro Fax Phone: 972-304-3570 From: Darrell D. Hurmis Subject: 5001 Spring Valley Road - Suite 1100W - LB 11W - Dallas,Texas 75244 - Phone - 972.41 g.4077 - Fax - 972.419.4098 12/05/96 THU 12:23 FAX 214+419+4098 HENRY S MILLER COM~ERCIA ~002 MILLER COMMERCIAL Darrell D. Hurmis Senior Vice President Investments/land Division Your Partner in Real E~tate Services Worldwide 6001 Spring Valley Road Suits 1100 West Dallas, Texas 76244 Main (214) 419-4000 Dire=t (214) 419-4077 Fax (214) 419-4098 Thursday, December 05, 1996 Ms. Isabelle Moro City of Coppell Dear Ms. Moro: Pursuant to my phone conversation with Pat Bond, ! am faxing you a form letter requested by my clients lender regarding the purchase of 636 Sandy Lake Road (the old Food Lion bldg. occupied by UPS) which needs to completed on city letterhead. This document pertains to zoning verification and I'm confident you will be familiar with it. If you wouldn't mind faxing me the completed form and dropping the original in the mail it would be greatly appreciated. My fax number is 972-419-4077 and my mailing address is: Darrell Hurmis 5001 Spring Valley Road Suite 1100W Dallas, Texas 75244 I appreciate your help regarding this matter! ~incerety,, ~ Darrell D, Hurmis Sr. Vice President INDIVIDUAL & COB?ORATE MEMBERSHIPS: INS'FT1rUrrE OF RF-,M. ESTATE MANAGB~ENT t INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SHOPPING CENTERS ! URBAN [AND #~11TUTE ~OCIETY oF ~DU~;TFLM& & OFFICE RF~M_TORS I ~J~AERIC~N SOCIETY OF REAL ESTATE COUN~ELOR~ / COMMERCIAL-INVESTMENT PEAL £gT&~qE COUNCIL 12/.05/96 THU 12:24 FAX t~-~4-'t;t~l~ 14: 214+419+4098 HENRY S MILLER .c.C~O~MERCIA [~] 003 rl'o .m pbA,q.~ ON -' ~RI~DICTION'B APPLIP..ABLE - - _~_NING OFFICE LETteRHEAD1 ZONING VERIFICATION DATE: AMI~SGO r. APrT'AL COI~ORATION C:/o [OmMde Coun~q I.ecffes efld Oer~lemen: We have been advlaed thru AMRESC, O CAPITAL CORPORATION i~ cnnsidedng flner~ng the above-dec--bed proJec~ In that regerd, wa hlrve been asked to provide you with cedaln zoning Irdbrmetlon In ~n wlff'lthlo project. 0projeot .. a ,ma m.tter ~ fight Of ourmnt ~ming pmmlt tt~ u.e of ~e proJeot es ~ ou~rent ute ms. m.~ter of fight, Ideate eXl~l.) almoh appllr, alale ordltmn.~]: . '"' - 2. ~__..~rforman~ wi~ Currant Z~nlr.3 Raoulrame~. B~t~I on availa~e fi, om our rm~rdm, the project ---...- ~ Ingmily canfarmlng ~ lelWIly non.mnfarmlng use A legally oonforming mtruoture · A legally non-oonformlng struotum ------' Non-oonfon"ning If nc,¥~nfon~ing =r le~.l~ n.n.c~nforming, to thn I~ of y~ur kna~edge, pra~ Ii n~n-~gd~m~lng [gr legally n~n.<=nfotming] In tim f=llmdng 3. P_~_.ht to Rebuild Followino Cammltv: whole or In part. the project: In the event of c:Mu.l~ to the proJe~, In 12/05/96 THU 12:24 FAX 214+419+4098 HENRY S MILLER COt/MERCIA ~/~[~004_ '* 12-~4-1B~)!5 14:19 ~50S ~88 ~1;34 PHA~E ONE REPd. T¥ ~. ~ be rebuilt llUbmt~ntl~lly In Itl Ounlnt form (Lc.. no lale ot' ,qu,m fooml~. ~ f~Wrlat, aerne number of el:,lnmeme unlta, if May not ti Ilbuit mubatantially in b current form ex. pt upon · atiofa~ion of the following oondition..,mi/or Iim#atln: [insert .pedflo requlmrnente oormemlng matamtlon of the project and ltilah m ~ ~f the iq:Wlleilble meiamtlon requlmmentl]: 5. ~lr~_ 8_t~ase Pamuked ~t Praieci: Plenee .pegify th. number of peridng epmxm required et the'project [plm#m ,d~mh-mpplhmblm anllnmnge]: exi. lm.~. of any violatlona or alloged vlolatlone of eny zoning, lubdivlelon, building or .imllar ordinenmm ar regulatlone eppilooble to the i~oJem within the paat three yee~, or (b) any mdbroement Ix'ooeedlng$ egalnet the Ix~oJe~t that am pending or contemplate~ ~JI mqui~ to here been paid In mmneotlon with the clovolopment ~ use of the project, including rely Iml~et-lwlated ~ have been pllld, ~ no euch foetl which would have appllmabiF~ to the proJeot em otherwlee pending or contemplated. If you ghoulcl halve mn]/qmtlong eonr. emlng thll mirror, pioaa~ mx'froot me i: (._} ___ [applicable JurledkltlonM olfl~!