Sandy L Plz1P/PP-AG 970812 (2) AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: August 12, 1997 ITEM # ITEM CAPTION: Consider providing that the Planning and Zoning Commission be the authority responsible for the approval of the Final Plat of Sandy Lake Plaza, Lot 1, Preliminary Plat and Site Plan, to create a single lot to accommodate the existing retail center, as well as 20 new parking spaces on the south side of the property located at the southeast corner of Sandy Lake Road and Moore Road. SUBMITTED BY: Gary L. Sieb TITLE: Director of Planning and Community Services STAFF RECOMMENDS: Approval ~ Denial STAFF COMMENTS: NOTE: A 3/4 vote is needed by Council to approve this request. APPROVED BY COUNCIL Agenda Request Form - Revised~/97 CITY MANAGER REVI :~ Document Name slphafp. PZA RgVIEW