Sandy L PlzL4/Re-DR 861210MINUTES DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE December 10, 1986 DRC MEMBERS PRESENT: Taryon Bowman, Shohre Daneshmand, Steve Morton, Dale Jackson, Jackie Mayfield, Steve Goram, Richard Milner, Jerry Davis, Glen Fabian, and David Adams. PETITIONER: Mark Smith IV Metro Square 2711LBJ Suite 534 Dallas, Texas 75234 Page 4 ENGINEER or CONSULTANT: Jackie Fluitt Stembridge Associates, Inc. 4028 Daley Ave., Suite 103 N. Richland Hills, Texas 76118 Developer, Engineer, Planner, Surveyor or and other Development Interests present: Jackie Fluitt - Mark Smith IV Metro Square 2711LBJ, Suite 534 Dallas, Texas 75234 1st Review of: Children's World - Replat Ae Bo ENGINEERING: Contact Shohre Daneshmand @ 462-0022 1) Complete the title Block (Engineer name, checked by?) 2) No sand cushion allowed; use 6" lime stab. subgrade. (Check with Development Inspector Steve Morton). 3) Is Development Fee paid on final plat? 4) Final Plat was approved with the stipulation of providing maintenance agreement, and streetscape plan. 5) Curb and gutter shall be pured monolithicly. 6) Add Vol. and Page to the replat. Plat is acceptable. BUILDING INSPECTION: No comment. FIRE: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Must provide an all weather driving surface on not less than 24 feet of unobstructed width, with adequate roadway turning radius capable of supporting the imposed loads of fire apparatus before construction begins, as shown. The access roadway shall be extended to within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of any building. Uniform Fire Code, 1982 is applicable. Preliminary/Final Plats are acceptable. Insure a gate on north side of building. gJ Me Ge He Je me te Page 5 LONE STAR GAS: No representative was present. GENERAL TELEPHONE: Contact Jerry Davis @ 434-2724 1) Service is available. 2) Final Plat is acceptable. 3) Contact BIC for entrance facilities into building. COPPELL CABLEVISION: 1) Service is available. 2) No Comment. U.S. POSTAL SERVICE: No representative was present. DEVELOPMENT INSPECTOR: 1) They will furnish Soils Test. 2) We will determine if they can pour concrete withour lime. 3) Replat OK. TEXAS POWER & LIGHT: contact Glen Fabian @ 888-1382 1) Service is available. 2) Plat is acceptable. PARKS AND RECREATION: No Comment. PUBLIC WORKS: Unable to obtain comments from Public Works - please contact Steve Goram, Director of Public Works at 462-0022. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: 1) 2) 3) 4) Contact Taryon Bowman @ 462-0022. Revisions must be submitted by 3:00 p.m., on Monday, December 15, 1986 to be eligible for December 18, 1986 Planning and Zoning Commission action. This item is tentatively scheduled for December 18, 1986 Planning and Zoning Commission action. Please submit a written response to all comments in the form of a letter when corrections are returned. Ail fees must be paid prior to receiving permits from Building Inspections Department.