SandyLCrossL2/PP-CS 871219The City With A Beautiful Future P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214 - 462 -0022 November 19, 1987 Mr. Howard Herrington Z838 Woodside Drive Dallas, Texas 75Z04 RE: Sandy Lake Crossing, Lot Z, Preliminary and Final Plats (Firestone Tire and Rubber Company) Dear Howard, This letter is to formally notify you that the above mentioned plats, were approved by the Coppell City Council on November 10, 1987. Your next step will be to submit to the Planning Department two (Z) mylars and eight (8) bluelines for the proper signatures by City Officials. This plat must be submitted within six (6) months, or it will be deemed null and void, and resubmittal will be required. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely yours, Taryon Paster Bowman P & Z Coordinator TB/lsg cc: Dale Jackson, Building Official