Sandy L PlzL4/FP-CS 860916Chidrens World Daycare Center IV Metro Square 2711 LBJ Suite 534 Dallas, Tx. 75234 484-9522 Cr?'Y OF OOPPELL SUBDr~ON APPLICATION Subdivision Name Preliminary. Plat Applicant Address Phone f Lot 4, Block Date September 16 Sandy. Lake Plaza FINAL PLAT X Ch.ii~eqp Nor%d DCycare Cea'ret iV Hetro~S~.uare 2711 LBJ Suite 534 $ freer CA ty , 19 P. EPLAT Dallas, Texas 75234 Zip 86 Firm'Preparing Plat Address .Phone P~operty 4028 DaleY, Avenue $~reet 28~&'363 Owner. Suite 103 City Stembridge and Associates N, Richland Hills, Tx 76118 State ;ip 'Uni~est~Ch~idrens World Address Phone ! Developer Phone 2711 LBJ itree~ 484--.9522 S~eet Suite 534 Dallas, TeXas City State C£ ty Correspondence relative, to this application who~: . ~ame Address City; State', lip Phone f Mark Smith.' 2711 'LBJ Suit~ 534 I T~Xas-75234 Da!las~' . shoul~ be directe~ to General LocatiOn of Property w~.~ .~i'a~ ~F Wanr~ '~.d ,999~' Whmt is the present Zoning District? C Are. you requesting any ' zoning change? i If yes, what is the Case File Zonin~ district requested?.. Propose~ Subdivision Contains: .. Land Use No. of Lots or Units Ac4es (for each use) PROPERTY- O~I~R' ~