Riverview Est/PP-CS 960912) P.O. Box 478 Copp~ll. Texas 75019 The ~ W]th A Beagflfu{ ~ FAX COVER SHEET Fax No. (214) 304-3~," PLEASE D~ THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: FAX NO. ~:~' J~ DIRECT DIAL: :~ %~ THE DIRECT DIAL NUMBER LIS'TED. THANK YOU. C C~ ®rlglrleerlrlg oorporlltlorl ? 120 Empire Dallas , -t-exo~. SEP TRA NS MI T TA T o .. Gor'y Sieb f= r` o m ,. Y Date: River'view C~tote~ Coppell. Texoe Please r'eview the enclosed layout for River'view ~etate~. I would like your' initial r'eview and commente. We will more than likely move f'or`wor`d with the ~oted community. Pleoee bode your` review with thi~ in mind. Sincer`ely. Tommy N. Coneler` Sheet 0 f I