Shadydale T6/Re-CS 921228SURVEY PLAT ,,ER,., OF THE PREMISES TOTHE L IENHOLDERS AND/OR THE OWNERS AND/OR PURCHAe- '-' SURVEYED AND TO CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY: This is to certify that I have made a careful and accurate survey of the property located at 129 SHADYDALE LANE in the City oc COPPELL0 DALLAS Oounty, Texas, described as follows: TRACT G, BLOCK B, SI4ADYDALE ACRES, an Addition to the City of COPPELL, according to the Plat~thereof recorded in Volumo 42, Page 95, Map Records, DALLAS CoOhty. Texas. SHAD Y OAKS Sleol / hol,~ Rod Fouc~(! 0 ~.;leel / Iron Rod Plooerly Line Wood $'ence ..... .__~, Cham I ink / W.o Fence --~ ~.~ Ov~1 helld F Ire'Ill(' - .7-~2--.-':'--- ':-.:. ~:. :.'T :::_..: ..- . .:. :.-...._ 7' '- I hereby cerhl¥ It)at o,) the (Iai' nl ~/.) ~c?~ . 19 ~'/~-- Ih,s survey was .~de on Ihe ground as [e~ Ihe held re)les shown on Ih,s and is Ihle. corleCl, and ac~Jrulo ~ lo Ihe dhl~nsions of 'the s~Jbiecl ~tU~rlV and the size. IO~liofl and IyIR of buihlings and Ihereon, if any. rim survey shows all easenmnts and visible ease~nts of which I have ko--ledge o* have been adv,sed allecting the subject ~o~Hy. The~e me nn enc~oach~nls, ~nllictS. o~ prolrusiona ws~hle on Ihe g[ound olher Ihan Ihose shown. DEC. 28, 1992 GFNo. -rc~ r ~ r~ .~., ~ ....... -;~;;;;~..~ , [ieolilefa#//'~tolo~.llonal Land ~ts~veyor FleUI,h~'edl'tolel,.IonalEnfjh,eflf 1301 Elm Sb'aul. ~lo 201 Car~ulllv~l. laX, Il {§{IOO