Shadydale T2-5/Re-DR 981229 (5) . ~,I JAN I 4 t999 DE VEL O?MEN T RE VIE W CC~ iv~_~-J ~ ~ ~ ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Shad~dale ~cres, Replat o[ Tracts 2~3,4 and & Block B, to allow the crea~on of 13 n~ resident~l lots on 4.155 acres of prope~, located along the south side of ~iliow Lane, be~een Oak Trail and Shadydale Lane, at the request of Dowdy, Anderson and Associates, Inc. DRC DATE: December 29, 1998 and Janua~ 7, 1999 CONTACT: Mike Matin, P.E., Assistant Ci~ Engineer 072-304-3679) COMMENTSTATUS: ~r ra~r~r~ ~v ~FINAL AFTER No comments.