Shadydale T2-5/Re-NR 990114PLANNING & ZONING MEETING: 1121199 COUNC~~-"~i]q~:--'--~-9~ :: ii! II,fl J~'~ I~1 ~ REPLY FOR THE PLANNING & ZONING COM~;~ION~:~/)I] c~E: SI-IADYDALE ACRES, REPLAT OCTS 2, 3, - 4, and 5, BLOCK B The City of Coppell Planning & Zoning Commission would like to receive your comments on this case in order that it may make a better informed recommendation to the City Council. If you~ desire to express an opinion, please complete this reply form and remm it to the following address by the date of the Public Heari:ffg: City of Coppell Planning & Zoning Department P.O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 This reply form in no way affects your right to attend the Public Hearing, and we encourage all interested parties to attend and comment if they wish. If you have any questions pertaining to the case, please call the Planning Department at 304- 3677. REPLY I am in favor of this plan. I am opposed to this plan. I am undecided about this plan. My comments are as follows: January 13, To: City of Coppell Planning & Zoning Commission Subject. Shadydale Acres Replat of Tracts I am appalled to hear the City of Coppell would entertain the proposal submitted by Dowdey, Anderson & Associates. This proposal is asking the residents of Shadydale Acres to accept an increase in the number of homes by 52% on a block of land that makes up less than 20% of Shadydale Acres. Along with growth comes the need for increased services provided by the city. Construction for services such as water, sewage, trash, electricity, etc will disrupt our day to day activities for quite some time, not to mention the raping to the landscape by stripping the trees from this block of land. Traffic in the area would increase by 150%, and our simple drive to the store won't be so simple any longer. Life in this isolated piece of country living located in the middle of the city will be forever changed. I'm not opposed to change, but a more realistic number of homes constructed on this site should be reduced to (8) or less. Please don't allow the greed of a few influence a decision that will impact the lives of this community forever. In an ever-shrinking world, the serenity enjoyed by the current residents of Shadydale Acres is a precious commodity rarely found in a city.