SandyLCrossL3/PP-CS 880404BIG D
111~ Luke St., Suite 100
Phone: Area Code 214-399-1666
April 4, 1988
Irving, Texas 75061
Ms. Taryon Bowman
P&Z Coordinator
City of Coppell
255 Parkway Blvd.
Coppell, Texas 75019
Exxon Service Stations
Beltline & MacArthur and
Sandy Lake & Denton Tap,
Coppell, Texas
Dear Ms. Bowman:
Please be advised that I represent Exxon Company, USA on the above locations.
Due to the fact that we do not have our exterior elevation drawings completed
for both these locations, we request that the Planning & Zoning meeting scheduled
for April 21 and the City Council meeting scheduled for May 10 both be moved
forward to the next scheduled meetings.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me.
Very truly yours,
cc: Kevin Badgett