SandyLCrossL3/FP-CS 881207E: ON COMPANY, U.S.A. POST OFFICE BOX 152006 · IRVING, TEXAS 75015-2006 MARKETING DEPARTMENT WESTERN AREA REAL ESTATE W. C. RIGO8 REAL ESTATE REPRESENTATIVE December 7, 1989 Escrow Agreement Exxon R/S 6-9923 SWC Denton Tap Road & Sandy Lake Road Coppell, Texas Ms. Taryon Paster Bowman P&Z Coordinator City of Coppell P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 750]9 Dear Ms. Bowman: Wayne Barr has passed the attached escrow agreement to me and asked that I have it executed by the proper Exxon authority, which I will most certainly do. However, I would request that you have the document reviewed by your City Attorney prior to my handling it further. Since it is an agreement drafted by the City of Coppell, I want to assure Exxon management that it has been approved by the requesting authority before any action is taken on our part. Wayne has told me that the $]2,086.00 called for in the agreement has already been placed in escrow. If that is the case, I would like to see that fact stipulated in the escrow agreement. Also, please be aware that the document will have to be reviewed by Exxon counsel prior to execution. Thanks for your consideration. If you have any questions concerning this, please call me at 214/650-7090. Sincerely, WCR:gw 1008B Attachment A DIVISION OF EXXON CORPORATION CITY OF COPPELL ESCROW AGREEMENT For and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the City of Coppell hereinafter called "City" and Exxon Corporation hereinafter called "Developer", do hereby agree as follows, to-wit: WHEREAS, the current City policies (Subdivision Ordinance Appendix A, Section 17) require that in new areas, a Developer install major public improvements where required in or adjacent to said addition. Developer has elected to develop Sandy Lake Crossinq, Lot 3, Block 1, an Addition in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas (See Exhibit 1, attached). In lieu of the developers obligation to construct their portion of Sandy Lake Road improvements and 60.43 linear feet of frontage still unimproved, the Developer agrees to place in escrow $12,086.00 for the construction of aforesaid major public improvements. This dollar amount being based on the current pro rata charges as provided for in Appendix B of the Sub-Division Ordinance, and is based on a future estimated cost of $200.00 per front foot for Sandy Lake Road. This roadway is classified as a six-lane divided major thoroughfare. The actual amount due to the City will be based on the actual cost when constructed, and the escrow account adjusted accordingly at that time. This escrow will be required in lieu of the construction of a half-street. THEREFORE, the Developer does hereby deposit $12,086.00, which will be held in the sole name of the City in an interest bearing account to draw interest at the current rate. No withdrawals shall be made until such time as the above mentioned improvements are made. After completion and acceptance of the above mentioned improvements by the City, the difference between the escrowed funds (original amount escrowed plus accrued interest) and the actual cost shall be refunded to the Developer. In the event that actual cost of above mentioned improvements exceed the escrowed funds (original amount escrowed plus accrued interest) the Developer will be assessed the difference, payable within ten (10) days of notice. THE CITY may issue Building Permits on the aforesaid property without the requirement of the aforementioned improvements, and upon deposit of Escrow Funds described herein. Signed and Executed this the EXXON CORPORATION Developer b~ C. D. STEVENS AGENT & AI'I*ORNEY IN FACT //o~ day of Mayor Attest: C-~ Secretary Attest: City Secre/ar~--~ SANDY LAKE ROAD __ POINT OF ~~ L..~ ..BEGINNING LOT 31 BLOCK 1 0.9183 ACRE or 40,000.3;'5 Sq. Ft. Ill a FINAL PLAT SANDY LAKE CROSSING. LOT 3. BLOCK 1. O~N£R PS~e^al~p ~Y C12155002 PAY TO THE ORDER OF WACHOVIA LANK I. TRUST CO WINSTON-SALEM. NC. E; ON COMPANY. U.S.A. A Division of Exxon Corporation HOUSTON, TEXAS DATE 12-15-88 ***********12,086*DOLLARS AND 00 ['- COPPELL TX CITY 8X 478 COPPELL TX OF 75019 CHECK NUMBER CENTS K 0782811 $ ****'12086.00 VOID AFTER SIX NONTHS ,"O?R 88 i, i,,' '-'0 5 :~ i, OOt, qt,~.'O i,R? 3t, 0 8r~ci5 0003447 Dote ~ !~ .... ~ "'~ ~' ":~" .. 19 Received From ,;~'./~, ."' ,, (:,;~, ? t'" /'~, ' dV · - ~.ddress , ~'~ .... '" ' ~;' c/