SandyLCrossL3/FP-CS 881215 (2)Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission December 15, 1988 Page 3 PLATTING Item 7: To consider approval of a preliminary plat for Shadowridge Estates Addition, 4th Increment, located at the northwest corner of Bethel School Road and Plantation Drive. Chairman Munsch introduced the item and called for a motion. Commissioner Weaver moved to deny the preliminary plat for Shadowridge Estates, 4th Increment. Commissioner Tunnell seconded the motion; motion carried (7-0) with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green, Johnson, Redford, Thomas, Tunnell and Weaver voting in favor of the motion. Item 8: To consider approval of a preliminary plat for Shadow Woods Estates, located near the southwest corner of Sandy Lake Road and Coppell Road, at the request of Thomas and Katherine McHale. Taryon Bowman again introduced the item and stated that this item is. in coordination with Case #ZC-516. The applicant has agreed to provide an additional 2.5 feet for the right-of-way width for Coppell Road. If approved this plat will allow for the construction of 75 single family structures. Again Nathan Maier was present to represent the item and answer any questions. Following discussion, Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the preliminary plat for Shadow Woods Estates. Commissioner Tunnell seconded the motion; motion carried (4-3) with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green, Johnson and Tunnell voting in favor of the motion, and Commissioners Redford, Thomas and Weaver voting in favor of the motion. Item 9: To consider approval of a preliminary plat for Heartz Road, located south of Parkway Boulevard and north of Sandy Lake Road, at the request of ABQ Development. Chairman Munsch stated that the applicant has requested that this item be pulled from the agenda, and asked for a motion for denial. Commissioner Thomas moved to deny the preliminary plat for Heartz Road. Commissioner Tunnell seconded the motion; motion carried (7-0) with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green, Johnson, Redford, Thomas, Tunnell and Weaver voting in favor of the motion. Item 10: To consider approval of a final plat for the Sandy Lake Crossing Addition, Lot 3, Block 1, located near the southwest corner of Denton Tap Road and Sandy Lake Road, at the request of Exxon Corporation. Minutss of Planninff & Zoning Commission December 15, 1988 Page 4 Item 11: Item 12: Taryon Bowman introduced the item and stated that if approved, this request will allow for the construction of a gasoline service station. The special use permit for this request was approved approximately one and a half years ago, and the preliminary plat was approved back in March of this year. She further stated that all, DRC comments had been addressed, with the exception of the Floodplain note on the final plat. No one was present to represent this item. Following discussion Commissioner Weaver moved to approve the preliminary plat for Sandy Lake Crossing, Lot 3, Block 1. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion; motion carried (6-1) with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green, Johnson, Thomas, Tunnell and Weaver voting in favor of the motion, and Commissioner Redford voting against the motion. To consider approval of a final plat for Fairways @ Riverchase Drive Addition, located on the west side of Riverchase Drive, approximately 3,000 feet south of Sandy Lake Road, at the request of Nathan Maier Engineers. Chairman Munsch stated that this item had been pulled from the agenda per the applicants request. Commissioner Tunnell moved to deny the final plat for Fairways @ Riverchase. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion; motion carried (7-0) with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green, Johnson, Redford, Thomas, Tunnell and Weaver voting in favor of the motion. To consider approval of a final plat for Creekview North Addition, Lots 1-4, Block 1, located east of Denton Tap Road and south of Meadowcreek Road, at the request of Coppell Associates. Taryon Bowman introduced the item to the Commission, and stated this request is for 4 single-family homes on a total of 4.1588 acres, and a variance to omit the alleys. She further stated that all DRC comments had been addressed. Judy Troth Parsons was present to represent this item and answer any questions. Following discussion Commissioner Weaver moved to approve the final plat for Creekview North, Lots 1-4, Block 1. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion; motion carried (7-0) with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green, Johnson, Redford, Thomas, Tunnell and Weaver voting in favor of the motion. The meeting was then adjourned.