SandyLCrossL3/FP-CS 881116'6. - .S ~ee~ ' _ L ' 'City . .. S~ree[ 'City S~a~e Zip Phone ~ ~ All Correspondence relative, to this application should be dire=ted to wb om: .. Name~ City, State, 'Zip ~~~_ . ~. ~05~ I0. What is the present Zoning. District? Are you requesting any zoning change? . ~ If yes, what ~s the Case File Noi? ' district requested? Zoning Proposed Subdivision Contains: NO. of Lots or Units Land Use Single Family Du'--~x " - ~-'61~ i'--~-'5~'~ y" _~ ~" ~ Pub]i= Street -- Parks, Public Acres (for each use) Condominium (speci f~" new or co,,verson) Total SIGNATURE PROP~ OWNER' CITY OF COPPELL DEVELOPER'S CHEC]~IJST PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PLANS: A. Complete all parts of the official subdivision application form ........... B. Pay appropriate filing fee: Preliminary Plat-S100 plus $4.00 per lot...~ C. Submit twenty-twl (ZZ) folded prints of the preliminary plat and plans scale of 1" =.100' or larger on sheet size Z4" ~o ................... : ......... D. Submit twenty-two (ZZ) folded prints of the site-plan of the proposed development .................................................................................. E. Submit one (1) 8~/" x 11" print of both the preliminary plat and site plan ............................................................................................... F. Submittal shall include a letter of transmittal requesting review ........ G. Prints of the lm-elimln~,-y plat and plans shall contain the following information: I. "Preliminary Plat" title ................................................................ 2. Name of the proposed subdivision .................................................. 3. Name and address of the subdivider ................................................ 4. Name and address of the Engineer or Surveyor responsible for design or survey ......................................................................................... $. ~ract designation and other descriptions accord~ to the absrrac~ an~ survey records of Dallas Coun~, Texas .................................................... 6. North point, s~le and date .......................................................... 7. Bounda~ l~e of the tract ...... -- 8. ~e names of adjacent subdiv~ions or names of record of owners of adjoining parcels ............ ~ ..................................................................... 9. 'The lo.lion, widths ~d names of all ~i~g propo~d or platted ~semen~ or o~er public ways with~ or a~jmc~t to the ~ra¢: .......... 10. Existed ra~road right-of-way ............. Il. Section l~es, politi~ subdivision or corPoraze limi~ and school district · bo~daries .............................................................................. 12. AE parcels of ~d ~t~ded to be dedi~ted for public use or reserved the deeds for the use of a~ proper:y owners ~ she proposed subdiv~ion together wi~ the purpose or conditions of l~i:a:ions of su~ )4. ~yout, ~umber~ ~d approximate ~imensio~ of proposed lots an~ all 1~. Lo.lion of proposed screen~ wall~ ............................. 16. Topography of ~e si~e (~ervals of 5 feel or ~, referred ~o s~ level ~um) ................... . ................ 17. ~e .plus ahaR show ~g ~res; u:~:ies, sewers, water maes, · ~tve~, ~d o~er ~ergro~ ~c~r~ ~m the tract and immed~tel~ ~djacent ~ereto with pi~ a~ ~d io~o~ ~di~tei ..... , .......... ~E. Prelimma~ p~ of proposed w~ter d~rib~ion ~stem, s.ewa~e colle~ion sy~em, on site ~d off site dry.age system ~d street . improvemen~ ................................................. , ......... H. If the applicant is requesting any variances to the Subdivision Ordinance he must submit a letter specifically outlining his re- spective requests ............................................. , ..................... I. The applicant must submit twenty-two (ZZ) folded prints of the conceptual plan of the required landscaping which shaLl conform to the ~uide!ines established in the approved ,Streetscape Pla~... P~ELIMINAP. Y PLAT AND _ -ANS: CONTINUED PAGE 2 J. For residential and non-residential subdivisions where the landscaping occurs in common areas to be maintained by a property owners association, this plan shall included: 1. Edge treatment along major and minor arterials and collectors ......... m 2. Subdivision entry features ............................................................... m 3. Screening wall locations ................................................................. m K. After review by the City Staff, the applicant shall make all corrections requested of him by the City Engineer ................................................................... m This checkli~ is only a supplement-to the current Subdivision Ordinance. It iz the applicant's responsibility to review and comply with the-requirements of the current Subdivision Ordinance. SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS Prints of the site plan shall contain the following information all one Z4" x 36" sheet ( submit twenW-two (ZZ) folded prints and one (1) 8~" x I1" print). 1. Prop~rw dimension~ of the site and approximate distance to nearest cross street; 2. All existing or proposed buildings on the property, existing structures and fire lane an~ access ~semen~ a~jacent ~o :he pro~rtT, and access po~ on ~ adjacent 3' Sctback~ and bull~ing 4. All ~xi~ting private and public g~reets including ~ireet widths, med~ openings, and 5. Proposed &teas of dedi~i°n, ff neces~),, including slreet~, alleys or 6. Po~:s of in~ress and egress ~o ih. proper;y includin~ design and s~c~ of' driveways; 7. Parkin~ ar~a' inc]udin~ n~mb~r ~d layouz of spaces, a~le wid;h, g~bage pick-up lo.lion, fire ~e~, mhd ty~s of surface of fire lane~; Screen~g walls ~d lo~ion, type of screening w~l, ~i:b~r livin~ or masonry. ~di~e aE ar~as to 'be ~ds~pet, r~e of lands~p~, ~ lolal square foo:a'ge of l~ds~ped are~; do not use "~ree ~mps ; hy~r~ts, m~holes, ~ other appu~en~c~ or structur~ shown. 12. AE proposed or exi~g w~er ~d sewer connexion, m~r locations, s~¢ of . . wi;h me,er ~/or ~e~ec~or ¢he~ valve vauks ~di~ed; - - - 1~. F~h~ ~oor elevation of proposed or exist~g structures on thes~.~'- reference~ s~ level 14;. E~mg ~d propose~ conlours of the tract ~ ~tervals of one foo~ or less, ~e follow~ ~formar~on shouM ~ submi~ a~ nor~ on ~he ~ire A. ~ropose~ use of ~e' sire or bufl~g~. C. S=e of building (square ~. Reigh: of ~11 s:ru~ures. ~ ~umber of liv~g unto, bT numar of ~drooms, ff appli~blt. F. ~alcu~:ion of :~e ~rk~g s~:~ requirei ~d proviee~ 0 0