Summit 1P/PP-CS 960417 PRELIMINARY HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION FOR SUMMIT AT THE SPRINGS ADDITION, COPPELL, TEXAS ~K~EMENT ' THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § This Agreement made as of the day of , 199 , by (Company Name), a Texas corporation Whereas,-Developer desires to establish the Land as a single family development ~.onsisting of lots which are individually owned in fee simple; Now, therefore, Developer does hereby publish and declare that thc following terms, provisions, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, reservations,-uses, limitations, and obligations shall mn with the Land, and shall be a burden and benefit to the Developer, the Owners and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors, and assigns: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Section 1,01 As Used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meaning, set forth below: "Association" shall mean the (insert name) OWNERS ASSOCIATION, a Texas corporation, created for the purposes and possessing the rights, powers, and authority set forth herein and in the Charter. (b) "Board of Directors" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Association named in the Charter and their successors as duly elected and qualified from time to t/me. (c) "Building" shall mean any vertical structure located on the Land. (d) "Bylaws" shall mean the Bylaws of the Association initially adopted by the Board of Dkectors, as duly amended from time to time. (e) "Charter" shall mean the Articles of Incorporation of the Association filed with the Secretary of State of Texas as fuly amended from time to time. (0 "Covenants" shall mean the covenants, conditions, easements, charges, servitudes, liens, reservations, and assessments set forth herein, and as set forth in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions to be filed of record by Developer simultaneously with the filing of the Plat of Summit at The Springs. (g) (h) "Deed" shall mean a deed or other instrument conveying the fee simple title to a lot. "Developer" shall mean (Company Name), a Texas corporation, and any party to whom it shall expressly assign in writing its rights, powers, privileges, or prerogatives hereunder. (i) "First Lien Indebtedness" shall mean any indebtedness secured by a first and prior lien or encumbrance upon a Lot. O) "First Mortgagee" shall mean any bank, insurance company, savings and loan association, mortgage company, agency, or instrumentality of the United States Government or other institutional holder of First Lien Indebtedness. (k) 0) 'T,and" shall mean that certain tract of land located in Dallas County, Texas, and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances pertaining thereto. "Lot" or "Lots" shall mean, individually or collectively, those numbered lots designated on the Preliminary Plat of Summit at The Springs Addition, Coppell, Texas, submitted simultaneously herewith. (m) "Owner" shall mean and refer to the person or persons, entity or entities, who own of record fee simple title to a Lot. The term "Owner" to exclude any person or persons, entity or entities, having an interest in a Lot merely as a security for the performance of an obligation and the term "owner" to include Developer if Developer is a record owner of fee simple rifle to a Lot. (n) "Plat" shall mean that certain Plat depicting the (Subdivision Name), an addition to the City of CoppeLl, Dallas County, Texas, as approved by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas for recording in the Map Records of Dallas County, Texas, as the same may be amended from time to time. (o) "Residence" shall mean that portion of a Building which is located wholly on a Lot and which is designed as a single-family dwelling unit (including that portion of any such Residence which is a garage for the parking of automobiles). ARTICLE II GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 2.01 The land shall be subject to the Covenants and said Covenants shall mn with, be for the benefit of, and bind and burden the Land. Section 2.02 The Covenants shall be binding upon and for the benefit of each owner and his heirs, executors, administrators, trustees, personal representatives, successors, and assigns, whether or not so provided or otherwise mentioned in the Deed. ARTICLE II[ USE RESTRICTIONS Section 3.01 All Lots within the Land are and shall be restricted to the extent set forth in thc Declaration, Conditions and Restrictions for Summit at The Springs Addition, Coppell. Dallas County, Texas, to be filed in the Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, simultaneously with the filing of the Plat of said addition, to the same extent as if said Declaration were quoted verbatim herein. ASSOCIATION ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT /,~ The Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of not less than three (3) nor more than six (6) members, the exact number to be fixed in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws. The initial Board of Directors shall consist of , and Section 4,02 The Association shall have two classe~; of voting membership: Class A: Class A members shall be all Owners with thc exception of thc Devclopen Class A members shall be entitled to one (I) vote for each Lot which they own. When more than.one person holds record title to a Lot, all such persons shall be members of the Assocmuon; however, thc vote for such Lot shall be exercised as they among themselves determine, but in no event shall more than one vote be cast with respect to any such Loc Class B: The Class B member shall be the Developer. The Class B member shall have a total number of votes equal to one and one-fourth (1 1/4) votes per lot which he owns. However, on the later of (a) December 31, 2000, or (b) when the Class B member only retains title to one remaining Lot, the Class B member shall at all times thereafter be entitled to only one (1) vote for every Lot owned by it. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the Class B member shall be entitled to (inly one (1) vote for each Lot which it then or thereafter owns. Section 4.03 Each Owner of a Lot shall be a member of the Association, and such membership shall continue so long as such person or entity continues to be an Owner. The membership of any Owner in the Association shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from record ownership of any Lot, and the transfer of any membership in the Assocation which is not made as a part of the transfer of a lot shall be null and void. Ownership of a Lot shall be the sole qualification of being a member of the Association. Each Owner shall comply with all rules and regulations as established by the Association from time to time. Land designated Common Area within The Addition shall not be deemed a Lot for voting purposes. Section 4,04 The Association shall have the duty to enforce the covenants and maintain all common areas on thc land and shall have the fight, power, and authority to do any act which is consistent with or required by the provisions of these Covenants or the Bylaws, whether the same be expressed or implied, including but not limited to the following: (a) The power to levy and collect Assessments (of whatever nature) for the maintenance, repa_tr, or replacement of the common areas existing on the land and for such other purposes as are herein provided for;, (b) The power to keep accounting records with respect to all activities and operation of the Association, and hire management or legal services to provide for administration of the Association; (c) The power to contract with and employ others for maintenance and repair;, and (d) The power to adopt rules and regulations concerning the operation of the Association. If the Board of Directors shall fail or refuse to enforce the Covenants or fail to maintain the common areas for an unreasonable period of time, after written request to do so, then any aggrieved Owner may enforce these Covenants on his own behalf by appropriate action, whether in law or in equity or the City of Coppell, through its City Council, may enforce such covenants to the extent herein set forth. Section 4.05 For the purpose of these restrictions, Common Areas that are expected to be maintained by the Association include, but are not limited to: (a) The masonry wall and foundation along Bethel Road; (b) The landscaping and irrigation between Bethel Road wail and curb; (c) The entry area landscaping, irrigation, walls, signage, and security equipment and/or building, if any. (d) Median areas as indicated on Plat (e) Perimeter landscape area as indicated on Plat. Section 4.06 Of the common areas listed above, the following are "Common Areas of City Interest" as that term is used herein: (a) The masonry wall and foundation along Bethel Road; (b) The landscaping and irrigation between Bethel Road Wall and curb; (c) The entry area landscaping, irrigation,' walls, signage, and security building, if any, and (d) Median areas as indicated on Plat. (e) Perimeter landscape area as indicated on Plat. Section 4.07 Should the association or its Board fail or refuse to maintain such Common Areas of City Interest to City specifications for an unreasonable time, not to exceed ninety days, after written request to do so, the City of Coppell, by and through a majority of its City Council members, shall have the same right, power and authority as is herein given to the Association and its Board of Directors to enforce these covenants and levy assessments necessary to maintain the Common Areas of City Interest listed in Section 4.06. It is understood that in such event, the City of Coppell, Texas, through its City Council, may elect to exercise the rights and powers of the Association or its Board of Directors, to the extent necessary to take any action required and levy any assessment that the Association might have, either in the name of the Association, or otherwise, to cover the cost of maintenance of said Common Areas of City Interest. ARTICLE y ASSESSMENTS MAINTENANCE FUND AND ASSESSMENT LIENS Section 5.01 The Association shall possess the right, power, authority, and obligation to establish an annual as.sessment sufficient in the judgment of the Board of Directors to pay when due all charges and expenses related to the operation of the Association. Such annual assessments so established shall be payable by the Owners on the first day of each calendar year. They shall be applied to the payment of charges for which the Association is responsible, including, without limitation, charges relating to maintenance and repair, public liability and other insurance coverage which is required or permitted to be maintained by the Association, taxes, assessments, and other governmental impositions not separately levied and assessed, utilities not separately assessed, professional services (such as accounting and legal), and such other costs and expenses as may reasonably relate to the proper operation, management, and administration of the Association. No consent or approval of the Owners shall be required for the establishment of the annual assessments contemplated by this Section. During initial sales and construction phases, Owners other than the original developer shall pay a pro rata assessment based upon the balance of the remaining calendar year, to be ~:~leulated starting the month following the date of purchase, with one twelfth (1/12) of the annual assessment calculated for each remaining month of the calendar year. This pro rata assessment is due and payable within 30 days from the date of purchase. Thereafter, the assessments are annual as per this section. Initial assessments are anticipated to be dollars ($. .) per lot per month which will be the basis for determining pro rata assessments on a calendar year basis. ~ Prior to the commencement of each calendar year, the Association, through the Board of Directors, shall prepare and deliver to each of the Owners a budget setting forth the anticipated expenses for the ensuing year. Such budget shall be in sufficient detail so as to inform each Owner of the nature and extent of the expenses anticipated to be incurred, and shall be accompanied by a statement setting forth each owner's annual pro rata share thereof and the date on which such annual assessment flu-st commences to be payable. The Board may provide that annual assessments shall be paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. No further communication shall be necessary to establish the an~unt of each owner's obligation regarding the annual assessment payable hereunder, and the failure of the Board of Directors to timely deliver the budget provided for herein shall in no event excuse or relieve an owner from the payment of the annual assessments contemplated hereby. Any budget prepared and delivered to the Owners as hereby contemplated may be amended as and to the extent reasonably necessary, and the amount of an Owner's annual assessment changed, to correspond therewith. Section 5.02(a) The Annual Assessments shall include reasonable amounts, as determined by the Board, collected as resen, es for the future periodic maintenance, repair, and/or replacement of all or a portion of the Common Area. All amounts collected as reserves, whether pursuant to this Section or otherwise, shall be deposited by the Association in a separate bank account to be held in trust for the purposes for which they were collected and are to be segregated from and not commingled with any other funds of the Association. Assessments collected as reserves shall not be considered to be advance payments of regular Assessments. Section 5.03 In addition to the annual assessments contemplated hereunder, the Association shall possess the right, power, and authority to establish special assessments from time to time as may be necessary or appropriate in the judgment of the Board of Directors to pay (i) non-recurring expenses relating to the proper operation, management, and the administration of the Association, or (ii) non-recurring expenses relating to the proper maintenance, care, ~teration, improvement, or reconstruction of specific Lots (including the Buildings thereon) in the manner hereinafter specified. i~.q..e~ilLoxl~5~! Each Owner shall be personally obligated to pay his pro rata share of all assessments established pursuant to these Covenants. Each Owner's pro rata share shall be equal to a percentage of the. total amount of the assessments established pursuant to these Covenants determined by dividing one by the total number of Lots. Any unpaid assessments shall constitute the personal obligation of the Owner of such Lot at the time such assessment became due. No Owner shall be entitled to exempt himself from the liability of such Owner's obligation to pay such assessments by an abandonment .of his Lot or by any other action whatsoever. Any such assessment not paid within ( ) days of the date due shall bear interest at the rate of ( %) per annum, and shall be recoverable by the Association, together with interest as aforesaid and ali costs and expenses of collection of suit, including reasonable attorney's fees, in a court of competent jurisdiction sitting in Dallas County, Texas. It shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors to collect any such delinquent assessments, the existence of which shall be made known by written notice delivered to the defaulting owner and such Owner's First Mortgagee. Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, until such time as Class B member vote~ transition to one vote per lot pursuant to Section 4.02 (b), the Developer shall not be obligated to pay pro rata share assessments on lots owned by the Developer. Section 5.05 An Owner's pro rata share of all assessments established pursuant to these Covenants shall be secured by a lien upon such Owner's Lot and the Residence located thereon in favor of the Association, which lien shall be prior and superior to all of the liens and encumbrances upon such Lot and Residence, regardless of how created, evidenced, or perfected, other than the liens securing the payment of First Lien Indebtedness and the lien for unpaid taxes, assessments, and other governmental impositions. Such lien and encumbrance may be enforced by any means available at law or in equity, including, without limitation, a nonjudicial foreclosure sale of the Lot of a defaulting owner conducted in accordance with the provisions of V.T.C.A. Property Code Section'51.002 with the Board of Directors having the power to appoint a trustee to conduct such sale. The Association or any other Owner may be the purchaser at such foreclosure sale. Section 5.06 The Association shall promptly transmit to an Owner, such Owner's First Mortgageee, or any other interested party requesting such information, a statement setting forth the amount of any delinquent assessments payable by an owner, as well as the amount of the annual assessment payable at the time of such request. ARTICLE VI IMPROPER MAINTENANCE BY OWNER Section 6.01 In the event any Lot (including Building or Residence located thereon) is, in the judgment of the Board of Directors, so maintained by its Owner as to not comply with these Covenants or so as to present a public or private nuisance or so as to substantially detract from the appearance or quality of the neighboring Lots or other areas of the Land which are substantially affected thereby or related thereto, the Association, through the Board of Directors, may, by resolution, make a finding to that effect specifying that the particular condition or conditions which exist, and pursuant thereto deliver notice thereof to the offending Owner that unless corrective action is taken within ten (I0) days, the Association will cause such action to be taken at such owner's cost. if at the expiration of said ten (10) day period of time the requisite corrective action has not been taken, and unless a reasonable extension is approved by the Board of Directors the Board shall be authorized and empowered, on behalf of the Association, to cause such action to be taken. Such corrective action allows for access, and trespass may be necessary to complete the 6 maintenance. The cost (the "Maintenance Cost") thereof shall be assessed against the Lot of the offending Owner and shall be secured by the Maintenance Lien as hereinafter provided. Written notice of such assessment shall be delivered to the offending Owner which notice shall specify the amount of such Maintenance Cost and shall demand payment thereof within thirty (30) days after the date of said notice. ~2t&t. i2Ii~2~2: 'l~he Board of Direciors shall have the right at any time there are unpaid Maintenance Costs outstanding with respect to a Lot to file with the County Clerk of Dallas County, Texas, a statement describing such lot and declaring the amount of unpaid Maintenance costs relating thereto in which event, upon such filing, there shall be automatically imposed on such Lot a Lien (the "Maintenance Lien") in favor of the Association for the amount of such unpaid Maintenance Costs relating to any such lot. Upon a payment of the Maintenance Costs secured by such maintenance Lien by or on behalf of the LOt against which the Maintenance Lien is imposed, the Board of Directors shall file or record with the County Clerk of Dallas County, Texas, and appropriate release of such Maintenance Lien previously filed against the LOt thereof for such Maintenance Costs. The Maintenance Lien shall be for the sole benefit of the Association. Section 6.03 Each Owner, for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, tmste~, personal respresentatives, successors and assigns, covenants and agrees: (a) That he will pay to the Association within ( ) days after the date of written notice thereof any Maintenance Costs assessed against his LOt; and (b) That by accepting any Deed to his Lot, he shall be and remain personally liable for any and all Maintenance Costs assessed against his LOt while he is (or was) the Owner thereof, regardless of whether such Covenants or agreement are expressed in such Deed and regardless of whether he signed the Deed. i~5..q~Lq_.(l~c If the Owner of any LOt fails to pay the Maintenance Cost when due, the Board of Directors may enforce the payment of the Maintenance Cost and/or the Maintenance Lieu by taking either or both of the following actions, concurrently or separately, and by exercising either of the remedies hereinafter set forth, the Board of Directors does not preclude or waive its rights io exercise the other remedy: (a) (b) Bring an action at law and recover judgment against the Owner personally obligated to pay Maintenance Cost ' Foreclose the Maintenance Lien against the Lot in accordance with the prevailing Texas law relating to the foreclosure of realty mortgages and liens (including the power of conducting a nonjudicial sale in accordance with the provisions of V.T.C.A. Property Code Section 51.002 and the right to recover a deficiency). The Board of Directors shall have the power to appoint a trustee't0 conduct such sale. The sale or transfer of any Lot shall not affect the Maintenance Lien. Section 6.05 In any action taken pursuant to Section 6.04 of this Article, the Owner shall be personally liable for, and the maintenance Lien shall be deemed to secure the amount of, the Maintenance Cost together with interest thereon at the rate of percent ( %) per annum, and reasonable attorney's fees. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROl, .. ~_e, PdJ.9.32~[ The Developer hereby appoints an Architectural Control Committee (herein so called), which shall consist of three (3) members who shall be natural persons. The initial members of the Architectural Control Committee are: and All matters before the Architectural Control Committee shall be decided by majority vote of its members. After ,199__, the Association shah assume all of the rights and powers of the Architectural Control Committee and shall exercise same, through the Board of Directors, in the manner herein provided. In the event of death, incapacity or resignation of a member of the Architectural Control Committee, the successor for such member shall be appointed by the majority of the remaining members of the Architectural Control Committee, if such death, incapacity or resignation occurs on or before the above date and by the Association if such death, incapacity or resignation occurs thereafter. ~ No building, fence, wall, sign, exterior light, or other structure or other apparatus, either permanent or temporary, shall be commenced, erected, placed, or ~naintained upon the Land (or any Lot constituting a part thereof), nor shall any remodeling or reconstruction thereof, exterior addition thereto, change therein, or alteration, excavation, subdivision, or resubdivision thereof, including without limitation changes in or alterations to grade, roadways, and walkways, be made until three (3) copies of the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials, color, and location, and other material attributes of same, shall have been submitted to and approved in writing as to harmony of external design and location in relation to surrounding structures and topography by the Architectural Control Committee. All plans and specifications submitted to the Architectural Control Committee shall include plats showing the proposed locations on the Land and the dimensions of all improvements and shall specify in addition to construction diagrams and specifications, all materials to be used and color schemes for all improvements. If the Board fails to approve or disapprove such design and location within thirty (30) days after such plans and specifications have been submitted to it, approval of the Architectural Control Committee will be deemed to have been given, and this Article will be deemed to have been fully commplied with. The Architectural Control Committee shall have the fight, in the sole discretion of the Architectural Control Committee, to disapprove any plans and specifications submitted to it for any of the following reasons: (a) If such plans and specifications are not in accordance with any of the provisions of these Covenants or the codes, ordinances, and regulations of the City of Coppell, Texas; (b) if the external design, elevation, appearance, location, or color scheme for the proposed improvements are not in harmony with the general surroundings of the Land or with the adjacent dwellings or structures or with the topography; (c) if the plans and specifications submitted axe incomplete; (d) if the design, appearance, or location of any landscaping is not in harmony with the general surroundings or to. pography; (e) if the Architectural Control Committee deems the plans and specifications, or any part thereof, to be contrary to the interest, welfare, or fights of any or all parts of the Land. The Architectural Control Committee is authorized to accept whatever drawings, plans, or specifications as it deems desirable within its sole discretion to be in satisfaction of the foregoing. The decision of the Architectural Control Committee shall be final, conclusive, and binding upon all Owners. Neither the Arthitectural Control Committee nor Developer shall be responsible in any way for any defects in any plans or specifications submitted, revised, or approved in accordance with the foregoing, nor for any structural or other defects in any work done according to such plans and specifications. The signature of any two members of the Architectural Control Committee on any such plans and specifications with "approved" or "disapproved" written or stamped thereon shall be prima facie evidence as to such approval or disapproval being the act of the full Architectural Control Committee. ~ The Architectural Control Committee shall have the right, but not the obligation, to enforce the provisions of these Covenants and to such end shall have the same powers as herein given to the Association and its Board of Directors. If the Architectural Control Committee shall fail or refuse to enforce these Covenants for an unreasonable period of time after written request to do so by any aggrieved Owner,-then such aggrieved Owner may enforce these Covenants on his own behalf by appropriate action. Section 7.04 Neither Developer, the Association, the Architectural Control Committee, and the Board nor the officers, directors, members, employees and agents of any of them, shall be liable in damages to anyone submitting plans and specifications to any of them for approval or to any Owner of property affected by these restrictions by reason of mistake in judgment, negligence, or nonfeasance arising out of or in connection with the approval or disapproval variance or failure to approve or disapprove any such plans and specifications. Every person who submits plans or specifications, and every Owner of any of said property agrees that he will not bring any action of suit against Developer, the Association, the Arthitectural Control Committee, the Board, or the officers, directors, members, employees and agents of any of them, to recover any such damages and hereby releases, and quitclaims all claims, demands, and causes of action arising out of or in connection with any judgment, negligence, or nonfeasance and hereby waives the pro.visions of any law which provides that a general release does not extend to claims, demands, and causes of acnon not known at the time the release is given. ARTICLE VIII ASSOCIATION ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT Section 8.01 The Architectural Control Committee may allow reasonable variances and. adjustments of these conditions and restrictions in order to overcome practical difficulties and prevent unnecessary hardships in the application of the regulations contained herein, but is.iiot under any obligation to issue variances. However, variances shall be in conformity to the intent ¢d p .urpp,s,es ,he.mot and. pro.~d .ed also that in every instance such variance or adjustment will not marenany aemmentai or xnjunous to other Lots or improvements on the Land. Determination of such a fmding shall lie with the Architectural Control Committee. Granting of a variance for One property does not obligate the Committee to grant fin-ther variances for other properties. Each such variance request shall be on a case by case basis. Should the Committee find that a granted variance produced an undesirable result, the Committee may elect not to grant other similar requests. ARTICLE IX LAND SUB.IECT TO THIS DECLARATION $¢cti0n 9,01 All of the Property and any fight, ritle, or interest therein shall be owned, held, leased, sold, and/or conveyed by Developer, and any subsequent owner of all or part thereof, subject to these Covenants and the covenants, restrictions, charges, and liens set forth herein. ARTICLE X MISCELLANEOUS Section 10.0l Subject to the limitations of Section 10.03, these Covenants may be revoked or amended in the following manner: (a) Until December 31, 19__, the Board of Directors, together with a majority of the Owners, shall have the right, from time to time, to revoke or amend these Covenants (b) for any purpose by instrument bearing the signature of a majority of the Board of Directors and a majority of the Owners duly acknowledged and recorded in the records of the Office of the County Clerk of Dallas County, Texas. On or after January I, 19 .... sixty-two percent (62%) of the Owners may from time to time revoke or amend these Covenants for any purpose by instrument bearing the signatures Of sixty-two percent (62%) of the Owners, duly acknowledged and recorded in the Deed Records of the office of the County Clerk of Dallas County, Texas. Section 10,02 These Covenants shall be effective upon the date of recordation hereof, and as amended from time to time, shall continue in full force and effect to and including December 3l, 20. . From and after said date, these Covenants, as amended, shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years, unless there is an affirrnative vote to terminate these Covenants by the then Owners of fifty-one percent (51%) of the Lots and approval by majority vote of the then members of the City Council of the City of Coppell. ' n~ed3.Iig~_l~ Sections I0.01 and 10.02, notwithstanding, the provisions hereof in regard to the duty of the Association and/or its Board of Directors to maintain all the common areaTs as set out in Article IV, the assessment procedure set out in Article V, and the fights extended to the City of Coppell set out in Section 4.07 in regard to the Common Areas of City Interest set out in Section 4.06, shall not be revoked or amended without the additional approval of a majority of the then members of the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas. Section 10.03 If any provisions of these Covenants shall be held invalid or unenforceable, the same shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any of the other provisions hereof. ~ Whenever notices are required to be sent hereunder, the same shall be sent to the Owner who is the intended recipient, by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested and postage prepaid, at the address of such Owner's Lot and further provides that any such notice may be delivered in person. Notices shall be deemed received when actually received and whether or not received when deposited in a regularly, maintained receptacle of the United States Postal Service in accordance with the provisions hereof. Notices sent to the Architectural Control Committee or the Association shall be sent by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested and postage prepaid, only at such address as has previously been specified by the Architectural Control Committee to the Owners or by the Board of Directors to the Owners, respectively. The Architectural Control Committee and the Association may, from time to time, change such specified addresses by giving the Owners notice of such change in manner herein provided. Sectign 10.05 Whenever the context so requires, the use of any gender shall be deemed to include all genders, the use of the plural shall include the singular, and the singular shall include the plural. Section 10.06 All captions, titles, or headings of the Articles or sections in these Covenants are for the purpose of reference and convenience only, and are not to be deemed to limit, modify, or otherwise affect any other provisions hereon, or to be used in determining the intent or context hereof. Section 10.07 If any interest purported to be created by these Covenants is challenged under the Rule Against Perpetuities or any related rule, that interest shall be construed as becoming void and of no effect as of the end of the applicable period of perpetuities computed from the date when the period of perpetuities starts to run on the challenged interest; the "lives in being" for computing the period of perpetuities shall be those which would be used in determining the validity of the challenged interest. 10 EX~~D on the date first above written. DEVELOPER: (Company Name), a Texas Corporation By: STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DAI.I AS This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 19 .,by a Texas Corporation, on behalf of s~id corporation. day of , of (Company Name). Notary Public State of Texas My Commission Expires: I1