Summit 1P/FP-DR 960530DEVELOPMENT VIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: $~___~unit at tke Springs. ~ Plat. to allow tke development of a $5-lot single-family residential ~n on 29.88 acres of property, located on the soatk side of Bethel Road, approximately 500' west of Denton Tap goad, at ~e request of Dowdey, Anderson & Associates, Inc. DR¢ DATE: May 30, 1~6 and June 6, 1996 CONTACT: Mike Martin, E.I.T., Assistant City Engineer ($04-$679) COMMENT STATUS: ,~PRELIMINARY FtNA~ ~ 1. Provide a note that common areas to be maintained by Homeowners Association. 2. Indicate variance for deletion of alleys for Block B, Lots 1-25, 35-37, 44 & 45. 3. Provide sight visibility triangles at Armstrong and Bethel Road. 4. Provide metes and bounds description of median islands and a note "To be Maintained by Homeowners Association". 5. Show and label ali easements. 6. Show correct right-of-way for Bethel Road. 7. Sheet A-l, show correct street and visibility triangles at entrance. 8. During the actual plan review phase, there will be comments concerning the placement of the water line in the various cul-de-sacs. There may need to be some looping of the water line to eliminate the long services to the residential lots. 9. The various cul-de-sacs could pose a problem for fire trucks. Landscaping Plans: 1. The Preliminary Entry Development East Entry Scheme 2 needs to show width of the roadway coming off of Bethel Road. 2. The wrong street name is shown on the wall plans. The street should be Bethel Road, not Bethel School Road. These are informational comments and should have no bearing on the approval of the plat: 1. Some type of slope protection may be required in the bend of Grapevine Creek adjacent to Lot 45, Block B and Lot 1X, Block A. 2. A floodplain reclamation study will be required. 3. There will be no parking on the street for lots adjacent to the narrow paving for the streets and cul-de-sacs. 4. Impact fees will be required.