Summit 1P/FP-DR 960605 DRC FIRE PREVENTION COMMENTS M~eAr~ur Plaza Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, Final Plat All fLre lanes to be marked per Section 901,4,2 of Ordinance 95712 (Coppell Fire Code). Aecos, Gate to have Optieom System and means of meehaflical override, Keys to be secured in an ~l~OVed Knox Box. MacAr*hur Plaza Addition, Lot 3, Block 1, Final Plat Final Plat to show fire lane eas~ment, .... All portions of the stnwture to be within 150 feet of a water supply. Knox Box with keys required adjacent to main entrance of building. Fir~ Lanes to be marked per Section 901.4.2 of Ordinance 95712. M~Artkar Plaza Addition, Lot 4, Block 1, Final Plat Show locmon of nearest fire hydrant, Fire Lanes to be marked per Section 901.4.2 of Ordinance 95712. Knox Box with keys required adjacent to mm entrance of building, Need size of structure in order to properly address any Fire Department concerns. Mae_Arttmr Plaza Addition, Lot S, Block 1, Final Plat ~how locstion of nearest fire hydrant. Fi~ l~ to bo marke, d per Section 901.4.2 of Ordinance 95712. IC,~wx ~ox with keys required adjacent to main entrance of building. Summdt at the Springs, Final Pint No comment. Will address location and spacing of fLre hydzants at a laLmr date. Pd-14S (CH)R, Woodridge Addition, Site Plan Amendment No extolment. ~aady Lake Addition, Lot 2, Block A, Preliminary Plat Show Care lane easement on plat and site plan, Imside turning radius for fire lane to be a minimum of 30 feet. Outside turning radius to be a mimmum of 50 feet. (Section 902,2,2.3, Ordinance 93712) Skew location of fire hydrants. Fire sprinkler system and alarm system required. Kaox box with koys to be located adjacent to main entrance, A~t m~obstmot~zi w, rtical clearance of fourtoen (14) fe~¢ is requirod at all fire lanes. (Section 902.2.2. ~ 95712) All pmlions of the structure to be within 150 feet of a fire lane. ~ Fire Station, No. 2, Lot 1, Block A, Preliminary Plat Show location of nearest fire hydrant. S~cture to have fire sprinkler system. ~ inside mining radius for fire lanes is 30 ~zt. ~ outside turning radius for fire lanes is 50 feet~ ~ Town Cen~er Addition, Preliminary Plat and Replat Show ~ lane eascme~ on plat. ~ Town Center Addition, Lo~ 1 Block 2 ~ inside radius on fire lanes is 30 feet lVimma~ outside m_d.k~ on fire lanes is 50 feet. JUN 5 996 TOTAL P.03