Summit P2/FP-DR 961126r~ECl3 1996 , DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COM~ r'l~'E ~' ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: S~mmit at the S~rines. Pkase II. ~ Plat. to allow tke derelopme~t of 13 residential lots as the final plmse of a residential subdiddon, located on the soutk side of Betkd Road, approximately 1000' ~est of Denton Tap, at tke request of Dowdey, Anderson & Associates, lac. DRC DATE: Norember 26, 1996 and December $, 1996 CONTACT: Mike Martin, E.I.T., Assigant City Engineer ($04-$~79) COMMENT STATUS: PP~.,~L!M!NA~ Y .~FINAL ~ No Comments.