Shadow Woods/FP-AG 890711Rev. 4-24-~9
ITEM CAPTION: Tn consider a final ulat for the Shadow Wo_o~ Estates Addition, loca.~-ed
EV~U~I~ON OF ~: ~aT~: Ju>y 3. ~98~
Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting: June 14, 1989
Decision of Planning and zoning Commission: Approved (4-0) with the condition that staff
has an opportunity to review and approve the flood study of the floodplain, drainage
and construction plans prior to the final plat going to City Council.
Please see attached staff report for further details.
Staff recommends, if approved, that the motion include: "Subject to placing in
escrow with the City of Coppell $90,007.00 and the execution of the escrow agreement
by authorizing the Mayor to sign."
DATE: June 14, 1989
RE: Shadow Woods Estates Addition, Final Plat
Approximately 182 feet south of the southwest corner of
Sandy Lake Road and Coppell Road.
Centex Real Estate Corporation
Applicant requests approval of a final plat with the
following variances:
Deletion of alleys.
To allow an open ditch along Coppell Road until said
road is improved.
Maximum street grade to be 8%. (Comprehensive
Subdivision Ordinance, Appendix A, allows 5%
maximum). Staff has no objections to this request.
Approve the final plat with variances.
Deny the final plat.
Final Plat
Escrow Agreement
Letter from Applicant
For and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein
contained, the City of Coppell hereinafter called "City" and Centex Real
Estate Corporation hereinafter called "Developer", do hereby agree as
follows, to-wit:
WHEREAS, the current City policies (Subdivision Ordinance Appendix A,
Section 17) require that in new areas, a Developer install major public
improvements where required in or adjacent to said addition. Developer
has elected to develop Shadow Woods Estates,an Addition in the City of
Coppell, Dallas County, Texas. In lieu of the developers obligation to
construct their 1/2 of the paving and drainage improvements on Coppell
Road, along their frontage (see exhibit A), Developer agrees to place in
escrow $90,007.00 for the construction of aforesaid major public
improvements. This dollar amount being based on the current pro rata
charges estimated at $100.00 per front foot cost for the improvements for
a four (4) lane undivided thoroughfare as previously discussed herein.
THEREFORE, the Developer does hereby deposit $90,007.00, which will be
held in the sole name of the City in an interest bearing account to draw
interest at the current rate. No withdrawals shall be made until such
time as the above mentioned improvements are made. After completion and
acceptance of the above mentioned improvements by the City, the difference
between the escrowed funds (original amount escrowed plus accrued
interest) and the actual cost shall be refunded to the Developer. In the
event that actual cost of above mentioned improvements exceed the escrowed
funds (ori§inal amount escrowed plus accrued interest) the Developer will
be assessed the difference. Payable within ten (10) days of notice.
THE CITY may issue Building Permits on the aforesaid property without the
requirement of the aforementioned improvements, and upon deposit of Escrow
Funds described herein.
Signed and Executed this the
day of
Developer Mayor
City Secretary
May 8, 1989
Taryon Bowmen
City of Coppell
P. O. Box 478
Coppell, Texas
Shadow Woods Estates3F/#~£
Escrow Agreement
Dear Taryon:
Pursuant to our past conversations, Centex Real Estate Corporation
acknowledges that an Escrow Agreement and an Escrow amount of $90,007.00 is
required for Centex' half of the cost of Coppell Road. Since this
obligation only occurs after the City of Coppell City Council approval of
the Final Plat, Centex will place this amount in escrow with the City after
the City Council approval, but before the city is required to sign the
Final Plat.
Please review this timing of the escrow and let me know if you have any
further questions.
Yours truly,
steve stolte
Land Development Project Manager
1660 S. Stemmons Frwy., Suite 150 / Lewisville, Texas 75067 / 214-221-5556
Drive and Bethel School Road intersection.
Ms. Bowman stated
that fire protection for this subdivision would be provided by
Central Fire Station on Coppell Road. The fire trucks would
have to travel along Bethel Road, and then proceed north to
Bethel School Road. She further stated that this section of
Bethel School Road is considered as a sub-standard road. Ms.
Bowman then stated that the City will have to resolve a road
widening issue. She then stated that the Development Review
Committee feels that Bethel School Road, adjacent to University
Park, should be built at this time. Staff recommends that
should the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of
this preliminary plat to the City Council, that Bethel School
Road be built at this time.
Mr. Fred Joyce of Joyce-Meyers Enterprises was present to
represent this item before the Commission.
Following discussion Commissioner Weaver moved to approve the
preliminary plat for the University Park Addition. Commissioner
Johnson seconded the motion; motion carried (3-1), with Chairman
Munsch and Commissioners Johnson and Weaver voting in favor of
the request, and Commissioner Tunnell voting against the motion.
Item 8: To consider approval of a final plat for the Shadow Woods
Addition, located approximately 182 feet south of the southwest
corner of Sandy Lake Road and Coppell Road, at the request of
Centex Real Estate Corporation.
Taryon Bowman introduced the item to the Commission. Ms. Bowman
stated that the applicant is request approval of a final plat,
as well as variances.
Kevin Peiffer of Ginn, Inc. stated that they had just received
the floodplain study for the area along the creek lots, and that
they had not had time to completely evaluate the study. He
further stated that they would recommend that approval of this
final plat be with the condition that the floodplain issues be
resolved before going on to Council. Mr. Peiffer also stated
they are also working on the technical conditions of the
construction plans.
Mr. Nathan Maier of Nathan Maier Engineers was present to
represent this item before the Commission.
Following discussion Commissioner Tunnell moved to approve the
final plat for Shadow Woods Estates with the condition that
Staff has an opportunity to review and approve the flood study
of the floodplain and drainage and construction plans prior to
the final plat going to the City Council. Commissioner Johnson
seconded the motion; motion carried (4-0) with Chairman Munsch
and Commissioners Johnson, Tunnell and Weaver voting in favor of
the motion.
~ Kimle¥-Horn and Associates, Inc. 12660 Colt Road, Suite 200, Dallas, Texas 75251 · (214) 386-7007
July 2, 1989_ t~f
Mr. Russel l~le, P.E.
City Engine/ir
City of ~Sppell
P. O. J~6x 478
Copp~ffl, Texas 75019
Raleigh, Charlotte, Nashville, Virginia Beach, WashinglDn, Dallas. Phoenix,
West Palm Beach, Tampa. Orlando, Ft. Lauderdale, Veto Beach, Ft. Myers, Stuart
Re: Review of Shadowwoods Estates Floodplain Reclamation by Nathan D. Maier
Consulting Engineers for Compliance with the City Floodplain Ordinance
Dear Mr. Doyle:
We have completed the review of the subject study for compliance with the
city floodplain ordinance. The subject study identified an existing
condition floodplain that was significantly higher than the floodplain
currently being used as a baseline by the city. This is because of better
field survey data which identified a high ground not previously modeled.
Our review of the material presented indicates that the modeling effort is
correct. However there are two minor items that must be included before
the study complies with the city floodplain ordinance. They are as
1. According to Article 5c-6 the lowest floor elevation for each lot
must be shown on the site grading plan. This was not completed.
2. According to Article 5c-5 the boundary of the floodplain and
floodway must be shown on the plat. Only the floodway was shown on
the plat, the floodplain needs to be shown as well.
We suggest that this submittal be forwarded to FEMA for information
purposes only, since it does not require a map change and does not increase
the existing FIS floodplain.
Building c#ent relationships since 1967
Shadowwoods Estates
July 2, 1989
Page -Two-
We also request that a copy of the study be provided on a DSDD Floppy Disk
so that we can update the current city floodplain study through the area.
If we can provide further information please call me.
Senior Hydrologist
change be approved as submitted. Councilman Robertson seconded the
motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson, Councilmen
THomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the
Item 12:
Consideration of a final plat for the Shadow Woods Estates
Addition located approximately 182 feet south of the southwest
corner of Sandy Lake Road and Coppell Road at the request of
Centex Real Estate Corporation.
Date of P&Z Meeting:
P&Z Decision:
Approved (4-0) with the
condition that staff has an
opportunity to review &
approve the flood study of
the floodplain, drainage &
construction plans prior to the
final plat going to City Council.
Mr. Steve Stolte, representing the applicant, was present to discuss
this item with the Council. Following discussion on this item,
Councilman Cowman moved that the final plat of Shadow Woods Estates
Addition at the request of Centex Real Estate Corporation be approved.
Councilman Morton second the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro
Ten Wilkerson, Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson
voting in favor of the motion.
Item 13A: Consider removal of item tabled at the May 23, 1989, City
Council Meeting.
Councilman Morton moved that this item be removed from the table and
considered for Council action. Councilman Cowman seconded the motion;
motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson, Councilmen Thomas,
Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
Item 13B: Reconsideration of a variance to Appendix A, Streets and
Alleys; B. Engineering Design Median Openings (Page 9) to
plece a median opening on Denton Tap Road between two (2)
previously designed openings south of Sandy Lake Road,
requested by Stephen C. Hundley, AIA of SCH Architects and
James M. Kurtz, P.E. on behalf of Mr. H. T. Ardinger.
City Engineer Russell Doyle made the presentation to the Council. Mr.
Doyle stated that this item was previously heard by the Council on May
23, 1989, and was tabled for further review. Mr. Stephen Hundley,
representing Mr. H. T. Ardinger, was also present to discuss this item
with the Council and indicated their request for a limited left hand
turn median opening. Consulting Engineer Wayne Ginn was also present
and stated that it is his recommendation, based on previous denial by
Council, to deny this median opening. Following discussion by the
Council, Councilman Nelson moved that the Council approve the variance
to Appendix A. Streets and Alleys; B. Engineering Design Median
Openings to place a median opening on Denton Tap Road between two (2)
previously designed openings south of Sandy Lake Road at the request of
Mr. Stephen Hundley and James M. Kurtz on behalf of Mr. H. T. Ardinger.
Councilman Robertson seconded the motion; motion carried 4-3 with
Councilmen Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion;
Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilmen Thomas and Morton voting against
the motion and Mayor Wolfe breaking the tie, voting in favor of the
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