Shadow Woods/FP-DR 890425 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE PLANNING DEPARTMENT SHADOW WOODS ESTATES ADDITION, FINAL PLAT Reviewed by: Date: Taryon Bowman, Plannir, g & Zc, ning Cc, ordinatc, r April ~5~ 1989 Add to note $~2: . . . along Coppei 1 Re, ad ' unt i 1 irnproved. ' said road is List any variarJce request c,n 'the final plat. Please sub;~it two (2) folded, corrected plans to, the Plant, lng Department on or bef'ore Monday, May 1, 1989. Review wi i i continue at the next DRC ;~eeting or, Tuesday, May~, ~ 1989. This item is scheduled for 'the Plar~rJing and Zoning Co~m~lissior~ ~eeting on Thursday, May 18, 1989 and aisc, for the City Council on Tuesday, June 13, 1989. Both meetings will be held at '7:30 p.~., in the Town Center Council Cha~bers. I I II IIL