Sonic Add/FP-AG 940510 With ^ i~tifu? F~q~a CITY COUNCIL MEETING: AGENDA REQUEST FORM May 10, 1994 ITEM # ITEM CAPTION: Consideration and approval of Sonic Addition, Final Plat, located approximately 1,330 feet south of Parkway Boulevard, along the west side of Denton Tap Road, at the request of Dowdey, Anderson & Associates. SUBMITTED B~-_~. L. ; TITLE: Director of Planning & Comm. Services STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meetinq: April 21, 1994 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approval (5-1) with Commissioners Alexander, Wheeler, Thompson, Meador and Redford voting in favor. Commissioner Tunnell voting for denial. Commissioner Hildebrand was absent. INITIAL~. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approval ~ EXPLANATION: See attachment for conditions. Denial BUDGET AMT.$ ~ FINANCIAL COMMENTS: AMT. EST. $ +/- BUD:$ FINANCIAL REVIEW: Agenda Request Form - Revised 1/94 CITY MANAGER REVI SONIC ADDITION, FINAL PLAT APPROVAL CONDITIONS: o A 10-foot sidewalk and utility easement on the north side of the fight-of-way dedication be shown on the Final Plat; and before being presented to City Council, a 6-foot right-of-way dedication and an additional 10-foot sidewalk and utility easement be shown by separate instrument on the Hinckley property immediately to the south, and the access easement on the north be indicated on the current plat, prior to filing the plat. CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: The Sonic Addition, Final Plat P & Z HEARING DATE: April 21, 1994 C. C. HEARING DATE: May 10, 1994, (March 8, 1994, Preliminary Plat approved) LOCATION: Approximately 1,330 feet south of Parkway Boulevard, along the west side of Denton Tap Road SIZE OF AREA: .98 ac. (lot 1 = .65 ac., lot 2=.33 ac.) CURRENT ZONING: C, Commercial REQUEST: Approval of a final plat which will create two lots APPLICANT: Tim House (Owner) 400 Parkview Place Coppell, Tx. 75019 393-0744 Mason-Harrison, et.al. (Developer) 8104 N.W. 122nd Ok. City, Ok. 73162 (405) 720-9113 Dowdey, Anderson (Engineer) 16250 Dallas Pkwy. Dallas, Tx. 75248 931-0694 HISTORY: This request was originally set for Commission hearing in January, but because of concern with the original submittal, the applicant requested a one month delay. TRANSPORTATION: Denton Tap Road is an improved, six-lane, divided highway (P6D), contained within a 100 foot right-of-way. Item 11 SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North -vacant; C South - vacant; C East - vacant; TC West - developing single-family; PD-SF-9 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Plan shows commercial uses as most appropriate here. ANALYSIS: This case was recommended for approval by both the Planning Commission and City Council earlier this year. The applicant now submits the final plat which is, basically, identical to the preliminary with the exception of a six foot dedication on the south side of the property which will act as additional width for an access road to property to the south. Although the Planning Department has some difficulty envisioning the overall development pattern for the property to the south of the dedication, it was the consensus of the DRC that this additional six foot dedication would not cause any undo hardship for the city as this property develops out. That being the case, a recommendation for approval would seem in order provided appropriate plans for construction, landscaping, and irrigation are provided; the second point of access to Denton Tap Road is shown on the plat, and all codes and ordinances are followed. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the plat 2) Deny the plat 3) Modify the plat ATTACHMENTS: 1) Final plat document .stf 5. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Morton led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. 6. Canvass of returns of the May 7, 1994 Election of Municipal Officers, approval of an order declaring the results of the election and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Mayor Morton read the canvass of returns of the May 7, 1994 City Officers election. Councilmember Garrison moved to approve the Canvass of Returns and Declaration of Results of Election (this document is on file in the City Secretary Department) of the May 7, 1994 City Officers election as read by Mayor Morton. Councilmember Stahly seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 with Councilmembers Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. 7. Swearing-in ceremony of City Officials as the result of the May 7, 1994 Election of Municipal Officers. Mayor Morton swore in the newly-elected Councilmembers Norman Alexander/Place 1, Danny L. Watson/Place 3, Lanny Mayo/Place 5, and Candy Sheehan/Place 7. 8. Consider appointment of Mayor Pro Tem. Councilmember Stably moved to elect Mayor Pro Tem Robertson to serve a second term as Mayor Pro Tem. Councilmember Mayo seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with Councilmembers Alexander, Stably, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Sheehan voting in favor of the motion. The City Council at this point consisted of: Mayor Tom Morton Mayor Pro Tern Ron Robertson Councilmember Norman Alexander Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Flo McFaddin Stahly Danny L. Watson Mitch Reitman Lanny Mayo Candy Sheehan 9. Citizen's Appearances. Larry Wheeler, 718 Swallow, addressed the Council regarding his feelings that a board or commission member or elected official should not use their official title when endorsing candidates for an election. CONSENT AGENDA 10. A. Consider approval of minutes: April 26, 1994. B. Consideration and approval of naming the week of May 9-13, 1994 as PUBLIC SERVICE RECOGNITION WEEK, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. C. Consideration and approval of naming the month of May 1994 as WILLIAM T. COZBY PUBLIC LIBRARY APPRECIATION MONTH, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. CM051094 Page 2 of Consideration and approval of naming Sunday, *lay 15, 1994 as COPPELL CELEBRATES APPRECIATION DAY, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. me Consideration and approval of calling a Special City Council meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 17, 1994, for purposes of annexing property along the west side of Denton Tap Road, north of Highland Drive (Lewisville), and property along the north side of East Beltline Road, in proximity to our existing City Limit line and owned by Johnny Thompson. Consideration and approval of authorizing a reimbursement to Valley Ranch Baptist Church in the amount of $1,000.00 for the difference in cost from a 12" water line to a 10" water line in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance. Ge Consideration and approval of Sonic Addition, Final Plat, located approximately 1,330 feet south of Parkway Boulevard, along the west side of Denton Tap Road, at the request of Dowdey, Anderson & Associates. Consideration and approval of Grand Cove Estates Addition, Final Plat, located along the south side of Bethel School Road, 500 feet west of Denton Tap Road, at the request of Mr. Frank Bamberg. Consideration and approval of Park 'N Fly Addition, Final Plat, and a developer's agreement establishing the payment of funds for improvements to Gateway Boulevard, located along the northeast corner of Royal Lane and Cotton Road, at the request of Mr. Bill Thompson, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Items E and I were pulled for further consideration. Items A, B, C, D, F, G, H -- Councilmember Reitman moved to approve Items A, B, C, D, F, G and H. Councilmember Mayo seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with Councilmembers Alexander, Stably, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Sheehan voting in favor of the motion. Mayor Morton had Tim House describe to the Council the material being used on the Sonic Drive-In pillars. Council then gave their consensus on the material described. Councilmember Reitman and Stahly commented on the groundbreaking on the new library and reminded the public of the fundraiser to purchase books for the new library. Citizens can participate by purchasing a pavestone to be used at the new library. Councilmember Reitman expressed his appreciation of the work that was done for Coppell Celebrates. Mayor Morton had those present from the Coppell Celebrates Committee to stand for recognition of their accomplishments. Item E -- Councilmember Mayo moved to approve Item E with the meeting being opened at 6:00 p.m. and adjourned into Executive Session, after which at 7:30 p.m. the open session will begin. Councilmember Sheehan seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem CM051094 Page 3 of T~ ~ With ^ i~ilul F~tur~ AGENDA REQUEST FORM May 10, 1994 ITEM # ITEM CAPTION: Consideration and approval of Sonic Addition, Final Plat, located approximately 1,330 feet south of Parkway Boulevard, along the west side of Denton Tap Road, at the request of Dowdey, Anderson & Associates. SUBMITTED BY: Gary L. Sieb TITLE: Director of Planning & Comm. Services STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meeting: April 21, 1994 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approval (5-1) with Commissioners Alexander, Wheeler, Thompson, Meador and Redford voting in favor. Commissioner Tunnell voting for denial. Commissioner Hildebrand was absent. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approval ~ EXPLANATION: See attachment for conditions. Denial BUDGET AMT.$ ~ FINANCIAL COMMENTS: FINANCIAL REVIEW: Ageada Request Form - Revised 1/94 AMT. EST.$ +/- BUD:$