Smart Start Sh/PP-DR 981029 (2)DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Smart Start School Addition, Preliminar~ Plat and Site Plan Review, to allow the development of a 8,909 square foot day nursery on 1.65 acres of property, located along the south side of Natches Trace Drive, approximately 250' west of Denton Tap Road, at the request of Jones and Boyd, Inc. DRC DA TE: October 29, 1998 and November 5, 1998 CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer (972-304-3679) COMMENT STA TUg: ',/PRELIMINARY F!~Z~L REV!,.qED 1) Show the location of the 100 year floodplain. 2) Provide the minimum finish floor elevation. 3) Correct the spelling of Natches Trace in the vicinity map. 4) Correct the street name to Natches Trace. 5) Need to verify if sanitary sewer can be provided as proposed. 6) Provide a 5' sidewalk utility easement adjacent to Natches Trace.