Swestern Ind/PP-CS 860220 (2)The City With A Beautiful Future P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214 - 462 - 0022 STAFF REPORT Vivyon Bowman, Administrative Assistant RE: Case #86-01-20.3/Southwestern Industrial Addition LOCATION: Northwest corner of Coppell Road and Southwestern Boulevard REQUEST: Site plan approval APPLICANT: Southwestern Industrial Addition/ Charles Reibenstein GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Applicant is requesting Site Plan Approval on .4851 acres of commercially zoned property. He is proposing First Phase of Office Space and Limited Warehousing. The applicant's final plat was approved on October 9, 1984. This applicantion was tabled due to the City Engineer's concerns with the potential amount of right-of-way needed for Southwestern Boulevard and the possibility of construction on property with an existing structure without property being subdivided. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval with stipulation that all items on Engineers report is resolved. GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS TO- FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning & Zoning Commission Attn: Mr. Ed Powell, City Engineer Ginn, Inc. February 11, 1986 Southwestern Industrial Addition Preliminary Plat & Site Plan We have reviewed the above referenced project for conformance to the City of Coppell Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. The following sets forth our comments. A. General: The area is located generally at the northeast corner of Coppell Road and Southwestern Boulevard, adjacent to and south of the Cotton Belt Railroad. It is approximately 0.9851 acres. The applicant is proposing a two phase office, warehouse, retail complex; with the office/warehouse building in Phase I and the retail structure in Phase II. His intention is to leave the existing house until Phase II begins. B. Zoning: 1. The area is zoned "C" Commercial. Immediately to the north is also zoned 'C" Commercial. To the east, west, and south, the land is zoned "LI", Light Industrial. The permitted uses in 'C" zoned areas include those uses permitted in 'R" Retail and '0' Office also. 2. The Commission may want to question the applicant as- to the type businesses which may be attracted to this area. 3. Since both buildings are one story in height, the height regulations for this district will not be violated. 4. Since the "yards" front both CoPpell Road and Southwestern Boulevard, the front yard set-back shall apply to both streets. (Sub. Ord. 31.2.1) It appears that both buildings are set back the minimum 60' required when front yard parking is utilized. 5. The 'side' yard adjacent to the' railroad should be a minimum 30' whereas it is shown to be 16' If it is considered a 'rear' yard, then as a minimum it needs to be 20'. We Would interpret (Sub. Ord. 41.74) the north line to be considered the 'rear" lot line; therefore, 20' is the minimum required, not 16' as shown. e The 'side" yard (along east Property line) should be a minimum 30 feet, not 20 feet as shown. 16135 Preston Road · Suite 106 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/386-6611 e We are assuming the off-street loading space, which is a requirement, will be located in the rear/side of the buildings as shown. Parking spaces provided are adequate for the required number. Parking depth should be minimum 18 feet. ® The house, if considered a residence, is not allowed in "C" Commercial district zoning; or, if considered a commercial building, does not meet "C" Commercial zoning Ordinance with respect to exterior construction. C. Plans: e Show anticipated average daily water demand and average daily sanitary sewer flows. The radius of both drive approaches shall be constructed so that the curb return shall not extend beyond any projection of the property line. 3. Minimum parking space size shall be 9' ~ 18'. 4. Provide a minimum 30' radius on fire lanes. 5. The utility construction in Coppell Road and Southwestern Boulevard shall be by other than open cut. 6. The sidewalks shall be constructed as part of this project, if practicable. 7. Provide a preliminary grading p%~n, indicating on-site and off-site drainage system. .,.. 8. Indicate distances to next drives, from proposed drives shown. Summary: We have not contacted the applicant concerning the above comments. 2. We recommend that if these items are addressed prior to the P & Z meeting, the preliminary plat and plans be approved. The above items are presented to the Commission as information to allow its members to make final decisions. By copy of this memo, we will advise the applicant of the above items which need to be addressed. Gabe Favre ~ cc.* Charles Reibenstein Wayne Ginn ~TZON ~ELI' R.R. ~ LOT ~ ~ SOUTHWESTERH INDUSTRIAL , ADDITIO~~ ..... ---- 'l~tz Ifil TEXAS LAIIO suAv, Lv,.o. as ~ · COTTON BELT R. R. C OFFICE/WAREHOUSE ONE STORY nRICK & FINISH FLOOR EL. 517.5' RETAIL - EXHISTING VICINITY MAP 1~ Venara Walker Herry $chtoder John Fowler LI LI LI SOUTHWESTERN BLVD. Sm~thwestern Town Lot C~;. LI LEGAL DESCRIPTION INFORMATION SOCITHWESTERN INDUSTRIAL ADDITION January 16, 1966