Glynn Solomon/MP-CS 98051804/20x~8 15:05 CITY OF COPPE]_L ENGINEERING ~ 817+~24+52~0 Subdivision Application pl~n.~..a Deparunent 25~ Parkway Blvd. Coppel]. TX 7~219 Phone: (972) 304-3678 Fax: (972) ~04-3570 Pre]lminar~ Plat Fi_n_~! Plat Minor Phi (4 lots o~ less on exi~in~ Repla~ ~[mndlns Pla~ Mi~or Amending Pla~ (4 ]!ots or l~ss) N0.263 Filing Date: 5-18-98 Name of Applicant: Glynn K. Solomon, D.D.S. All Correspondence re/drive to this apph'cmion should be dir~aed to: Tel~hon. Number: Name of SuMivi~ion: Present Zoning: ~,,u ~_c,~ .......... Propos~ Subdivision Contaim: Owner's Sipmture: