Swestern Ind/PP-PN 860116 (2)COTTON BELT R. R. C ----- BETHEL ROAD t~ 0 · I I I I I I I ' '1 COTTON........ ,, , iBELT R.R J' 1 VICINITY MAP z d ~ 60' FRONT YARD SETBACK WITH PARKING IN FRONT N - 50' PRACTICD~L TURNING RADIUS FOR 55'SEMI- TRAILER AND TRACTOR OFFICE/WAREHOUSE , ~, '"7-;'"~\~, ~ --LU" ONE STORY BRICK & ~ ' i I ~ CONCRETE STRUCTURES ..... Q'__' ~.. ~ FINISH FLOOR EL. 517.5' '~ . l' ' - "- \\ ~ - ~,,, ,o' _, 1 , ~ta~ '- ~ ~ RETAIL . -- --~ ~--EXT~' O~ P~S~ ; ~6' HIGH 5 ~1~[~Vanar~~alker Harry ~hroder ' John~wler LU - EXHISTiNG HOUSE ~MI.N. 20' FIRELANE 6" CONC. PAVING~~ EXISTING HOUSE WOU]LD REMAIN OCCUPIED UN~IL PHASE II BEGINS ACCENT PLANT FUTURE CUPd~. & SIDEWALK SOUTHWESTERN BLVD. ,z~'- oPJve Southwestern Town Lot Corp. LI SCALE 5O 20 1OO LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING a tract of land s~tuated in the C~ty of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas out of the J.A. S~mmons Survey Abstract No. 1296 and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a set 1/2" d~ameter iron rod monumentlng the Intersection of the South right-of-way line of the Cotton Belt Railroad (a 300.00 foot w~de Right-of-way) and the East right-of-way line of Coppell Road (an intended 60.0 foot wide R~ght-of-way), sa~d point be~n~ the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 87 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds East along said South Right-of-way line of the Cotton Belt Railroad, a distance of 198.20 feet to a found 1/2" d~ameter iron pipe being a point for corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 49 minutes 20 seconds East along a l~ne parallel to the said extended East Right-of,way l~ne of Coppell Road, a d~stance of 200.00 feet to a found 1 1/2" diameter lron pipe being a point for corner · n the extended North r~ght-of-way line of Southwestern Boulevard (an intended 60;0 foot wide Right-of-way); THENCE South 88 degrees 04 minutes 41 seconds West along the said extended North R~ght-of-Way line of Southwestern Boulevard, a distance of 198.15 feet to a set 1/2" diameter iron rod being a point for corner and the intended intersection of said extended East R~ght-of-way line of Coppell Road and the said extended North R~ght-of-way line of Southwestern Boulevard; THENCE North 00 degrees 49 minutes 20 seconds West along the said extended East Right-of-way line of Coppell Road, a distance of 198.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 39,424.8976 square feet or 0;9851 acres of land. INFORMATION APPLICANT/OWNER: CERTIFIED SURVEYOR: PREPARER: SURVEY/ABSTRACT: CURRENT ZONING: BONDED LIGHTNING PROTECTION OF TEXAS, INC. 11105 SHADY TRAIL SUITE 107 DALLAS, TEXAS 75229 JAMES DEWEY TEXAS LAND SURVEYORS OF IRVING 3600 CONFLANS ROAD IRVING, TEXAS 75060 C~RLES A. REIBENSTEIN, INC. ARCHITECTURE 4528 MCKINNEY AVE. SUITE 102 DALLAS, TEXAS 75205 J;A. SIMMON SURVEY ABSTRACT 1296 SOUTHWESTERN INDUSTRIAL ADDITION C (COMMERCIAL) SITE A3LF~: GROSS AREA: LANDSCAPED AREA: 0.9851 ACRES/39,424.90 SF 5,220 SF BUILDING AREAS/STORIES/HEIGHTS: OFFICE/WAREHOUSE BUILDING (PHASE I) 1 building: one story office (22 ft. approx, height) one story whse (18 ft. approx, height) RETAIL BUILDING (PHASE II) 1 building: one story (22 ft. TOTAL BUILDING §F Floor area ratio approx, height) PARKING REQUIRED PA~RKING PROVIDED 1,800 SF (6 parking) 2,988 SF (3 parking) 4,788 SF (9 parking) 6,120 SF (31 parking) 10,908 SF 27.67% 40 SPACES 40 SPACES SOUTHWi--STERN INDUSTRIAL ADDITION January 16, 1986 charles a. re,benste,n a,a AROf~ITL ~3 T, ,RE CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN